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How to create a presentation using

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1 How to create a presentation using
"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein." How to create a presentation using COOPERATIVE INTERACTIVE LEARNING 3rd International Learning Activity Komárno, Slovakia Hello, today you will create an other part of our Interactive Tourist Guide – The regional attractions guide. In this guide should the tourist find some interesting attractions, f.e. churches, museums, monuments, buildings, statues etc. To create this guide, you will use prezi. First of all let me show you some basics about using this on-line application.

2 Is an on-line website To create presentations easily
Easy to use Spectacular presentations Prezi is an on-line application used via internet browsers, the best is Chrome. It´s a very easy way to create a professional prezentetion, it´s easy to use and the final effect is very spectacular.

3 First of all you will need to log in
First of all you will need to log in. If you have an account, you should just click on „Log in“, type your adress and the password, and you can continue. But, if you don´t have an assecc, click on „Get started“

4 If you don´t have an account
If you have an account If you don´t have an account Click on „New to Prezi? Sign up“

5 Choose Basic and Continue!
Choose the „Basic“ offer – because it is for free and it is abolutely enough for us to create a prezi. Click on „Continue“

6 Fill in the gaps Fill in your data and click on „Create your free Basic account“

7 After a few seconds a new window will open asking you for some more information. Just click on „Student“ and „Next“ button.

8 Now you are using your own account
Now you are using your own account. This is your welcome page, later you will find all your presentations here. Now you can see only one presentation: „Getting started“. You can also change the language – I recommend English. To create a presentation just click on the „New presentation“ button.

9 A new window will open offering you some templates
A new window will open offering you some templates. On the left side you can find some categories, but when you just roll down you will see all the templates, you can just test it.

10 When you are decided, just click on „Use this template“

11 Double cklick and change the text
So this is only a template. You can change the text, the font, the font size, the alignment, you can add some more subtopics or delete them, etc. It is very easy to use, and the animations are already ready  Double cklick and change the text

12 Insert pictures, videos ...
You can easily insert pictures, videos, shapes, arrows to your presentation using „Insert“ button. In the right a new dialog window will open, where you can type the website address of the video, or you can choose using Google.

13 Watch the prezentation
All changes are automatically saved. When you are ready, you can watch your presentation, just click on the „Present“ potton.

14 Use the arrows to manage
To manage your presentation just use the left and right arrows, or use the timeline.

15 Use „ESC“ to exit and Back to edit
To finish the presentation just use the Esc botton on your keyboard. If you want to change something in your presentation just click on „Back to edit“.

16 Share and save The prezi is saved automatically
Share your finished prezzis with me: All you edit, all your changes are automatically saved. You don´t have tu push any button for saving. Please share your prezi with me, click on the sign in the right corner and enter my name „hajabacsova“ and my address

17 Your task: Work in groups of 3 (6 groups)
Create ONE prezi account for each group Log in and choose a template Create a prezi for Regional Attractions Guide 5 attractions /group (10/city) Group Nr. 1: Slovakia: Viki Italy: Romania: SUCEAVA Group Nr. 3: Slovakia: Andy Italy: Romania: PISA Group Nr. 5: Slovakia: Wanda Italy: Romania: KOMÁRNO You will work in mixed group of 3 students and create a prezi about regional attractions. You can put pictures, short videos, and short text about the chosen attractions. It will be a prezi for tourist, so make it interesting for them. The prezi will be in English. Put in your prezi at least 10 regional attractions with a short description, you can insert also their website address with actual information about the prices, opening hours etc. Group Nr. 2: Slovakia: Denisa Italy: Romania: SUCEAVA Group Nr. 4: Slovakia: Italy: Vanessa Romania: PISA Group Nr. 6: Slovakia: Marian Slovakia: Italy: KOMÁRNO

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