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Life on the Home front.

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Presentation on theme: "Life on the Home front."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life on the Home front

2 Women and Minorities Gain Ground
“Rosie the Riveter” Symbol of the campaign to hire women to work in factories during the war

3 Women and Minorities Gain Ground
B. African Americans A. Phillip Randolph- led civil rights march on Washington to desegregate plants Executive Order 8802 (1941)- Equal Employment Act prohibited racial discrimination

4 Women and Minorities Gain Ground
Mexican Americans Braceros: workers that migrated to U.S. to help harvest during war Native Americans Navajo Code Talkers: helped in war effort

5 Nation on the Move Government Had to get jobs- South & West Sunbelt”
So. California led the way Racism Zoot Suit Riots: between Mexican Americans and military servicemen

6 Nation on the Move Japanese American Relocation Executive Order 9066
442nd Regimental Combat Team: composed of Japanese-American enlisted men 1988- President Reagan apologizes for Japanese Interment Camps

7 Daily Life Women- role change “Live for the Moment Attitude”
Baby Boom- huge number of births following WWII “Door-Key” or “Latch- Key” Children- kids who return to an empty home because parents are gone


9 Daily Life Wage & Price Controls
Office of Price Administration (OPA): controlled prices & wages War Labor Board (WLB): prevented strikes during the war

10 Daily Life Blue tokens for processed foods
D. Rationing Blue tokens for processed foods Red tokens for meats, fats, fish & cheese

11 Daily Life Victory Gardens & Scrap Drives Paying of the War
During WWII, Americans bought over $150 billion worth of bonds in order to loan the gov’t money

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