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First Day Physical Science Grade 8 Type notes here.

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Presentation on theme: "First Day Physical Science Grade 8 Type notes here."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Day Physical Science Grade 8 Type notes here

2 Student Planner August 10 Place this in the proper place
Obtain a 100 page Composition Book for this class. Bring it to class by August 17.

3 End Planner Entries Type notes here

4 Review of last class Pre test for the semester New vocabulary words

5 Write your summary and answer Thursday’s Essential Question:
Essential Question: What is the value of the scientific method, and what are the steps?

6 Physical Science August 31, 2012 The Scientific Method

7 Today’s Essential Question
Essential Question: What are the steps in the Scientific Method?

8 Warm Up

9 a) Ask a question, b) form a hypothesis, c) test the hypothesis, d) analyze the results, e) make a conclusion, f) communicate the results Which step in the Scientific Method would be used here? 1. I see a frog with no legs. What caused that? 2. Mix sample 1with 2, then heat for 1 hour 3. To the magazine Science, our results showed no evidence of pollution in the water. 4. Results show the following:

10 1. Exchange papers with your table partner.
2. Place +1 next to correct answers 3. Add up the # correct, and place at the top by the date.

11 1. a 2. c 3. f 4. d

12 Vocabulary quiz on word definitions Wednesday. Learn the definitions
HOMEWORK Vocabulary quiz on word definitions Wednesday. Learn the definitions

13 Standard 9: Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations. Objective: plan and conduct a scientific investigation to test a hypothesis

14 Today’s Work Grade planner Notes on Scientific Method Read follow along reading

15 The knowledge you need for your future is available
Welcome! The knowledge you need for your future is available HERE! Type notes here

16 (pronounced Ven-two-leth)
Mr. Ventuleth (pronounced Ven-two-leth) or even easier - Mr. V. Type notes here

17 Mr. V attended:

18 and received an Associates of Science degree

19 Mr. V received a Bachelor's Degree in Science, vocational teaching credential and Masters of Science at Cal Poly Pomona


21 CAL POLY - POMONA Type notes here

22 Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Mr. V also continued his education at: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

23 Mr. V also continued his education at:

24 Mr. V also continued his education at:

25 Mr. V also continued his education at:

26 and attended:

27 Mr. V also continued his education at:

28 And, took classes through
physics Volcanoes

29 Mr. V was the FFA Advisor at HJHS, HHS, & WVHS Type notes here

30 Ag Science instructor since 1976 SFMS WVHS HJHS EUHS PHS
Type notes here

31 Mr. V loves horses and other animals.
Type notes here

32 Loves outdoor sports! Fishing Hiking Rock hound Camping Boating
Type notes here

33 Community Service volunteer Sheriff’s Department, Quake Safe,
Red Cross Type notes here

34 Drives a 1930 Model“A” Ford Type notes here

35 My family Type notes here

36 Mrs. V. is a retired school administrator.
Type notes here

37 The V’s have 4 children Type notes here

38 Daughter Stacey (with husband Evan)
Daughter Stacey (with husband Evan). Both teach at Great Oak High in Temecula. Type notes here

39 They gave us our grandkids, Rilynn and Grady.
Type notes here They gave us our grandkids, Rilynn and Grady.

40 Son Josh, with wife Holly, manages construction in San Francisco
Type notes here

41 Daughter Whitney taught Physical Science in middle school.
Type notes here

42 Zane is a U.S. Marine. Type notes here

43 We have 2 grandchildren, 3 horses, 4 dogs, 24 chickens, a bearded dragon, a cat, and 6 tortoises

44 Finally, yes we live on a ranch

45 Now, I get to learn about you---
You are to write about yourself and your science background.... see Welcome to Physical Science!

46 Welcome to Physical Science!
Directions: 1. Take out a sheet of paper and either a pen or pencil. 2. In the upper right hand corner, write your name, period, & today’s date. 3. On the first line, title your page, “My Previous Science Experience.” 4. Follow the outline below to write an essay regarding your pervious science experience. 5. Indent for each new paragraph! Paragraph 1: This will be the introduction of your essay. a) Introduce your essay, provide background information. 1. What grade are you in? 2. At what school did you take your last science class? 3. What grade did you earn both semesters? b) Describe your feeling/attitude about science. 1. Do you like or dislike science in general? 2. Did you have a positive or negative experience in your last science class. 3. Explain why you had a positive or negative experience. Paragraphs 2, 3, & 4: These three paragraphs are the body of your essay. 2nd Paragraph: a) Describe what the word SCIENCE means to you. 1. What do you visualize a scientist to be? 2. What skills do you think a scientist should have? 3. What skills do you think you should learn in science. 4. Why is taking science in middle school important? 3rd Paragraph: b) Describe your last science experience and what you learned. 1. What science class did you take? 2 Explain what you liked or did not like about the class. 3. What was challenging for you? Explain. 4. What was easy for you? Explain. 5. Describe one lab or class project that you liked best. DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD: DO NOT REMOVE THIS SHEET FROM THE DESK

47 The photocopied instructions you will place into your Comp book, the completed essay into the IN BASKET. If not completed today, due tomorrow.

48 OK, so what about this class?
What is Physical Science?

49 Physical Science The Science of forces, elements, motion, astronomy.

50 Take the following papers home, review with your parents, have them sign, then return to class. You will get class grade points.

51 1. Safety Contract 2. Computer Use Contract 3. Class Synopsis

52 On a DAILY BASIS, bring the following to class:
Notebook Pencil or pen Planner (when you get them) Lined paper Your PBIS attitude!

53 How the class operates:
1. Start of class: a. prepare to work - have paper out, pencil sharpened, planner ready. b. Answer the warm up question c. Complete the planner entries d. Correct Warm up.

54 c. Correct Warm up.

55 Text

56 Text

57 Text

58 Text


60 MR. V’s View of School What you learn, and what you do in school will impact you throughout your life. Type notes here

61 School is like a new video game... You will never win if you don’t
play the game. You will score low to start, but will learn every time you play. Type notes here

62 playing the game, if you keep trying and don’t let failure stop you.
You will get better playing the game, if you keep trying and don’t let failure stop you. Type notes here

63 Class is just like that - You will not do well if
the class is new to you. You may even fail if the material is new. But, by doing the work you will succeed. Type notes here



66 Nothing is thrown in class
CLASS RULES Nothing is thrown in class Type notes here

67 •Disturbance steals learning time. No disturbances. Type notes here

68 •Stay on task to finish Type notes here

69 •Do not cause extra work for anyone.
Type notes here

70 •Abuse a privilege, loose a privilege. Type notes here

71 a Type notes here

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