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Key Power Metrics Summary.

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1 Key Power Metrics Summary

2 HR Power Metrics Content in Context
Do you wonder what data is most important to review on a regular basis? HR Power Metrics  Key Power Metrics

3 What Are Power Metrics? Key indicators of teacher and principal quality USHCA Power Metrics are a subset of metrics identified in USHCA’s ABC Tools that all HR teams should track to understand workforce quality These metrics best represent the results of HR’s efforts to improve teacher and principal quality in four key areas Getting the best staff consistently Deploying them deliberately Developing and retaining them strategically Delivering HR services effectively Key Power Metrics

4 Retain & Develop Strategically
What are the USHCA Power Metrics for Teachers? Teacher Quality Get the Best Talent Consistently Deploy Them Deliberately Retain & Develop Strategically Percentage of new teachers - by Provider - with effective or higher ratings at the end of Years 1, 2, and 3 (VI.B) Applicants per vacancy by subject and Provider (I.C) Number and percentage of vacancies filled by May 1, July 1, August 1, and after opening of school (II.A) Number and percentage of diverse candidates meeting the screening criteria by Provider (I.D) – NEW! Percentage of Principals satisfied with quality of staffing services received and quality of applicant pool to match candidates to vacancies (II.E) Distribution of teachers by performance rating and school need type (IV.C) Percentage of incoming and outgoing transfers by performance rating and school need type (IV.C) Percentage of new teachers in high-needs schools (IV.C) Percentage of effective and highly effective teachers retained by high/low-needs schools and by subject area (VIII.C) Number and percentage of tenured teachers who either improve to effective ratings or are exited (VI.E) Percentage of probationary teachers non-renewed for low performance prior to being granted tenure (VI.B) Percentage of teachers excessively absent that are improved or exited (VI.F) – NEW! Average number of absences by category compared to national averages and benchmark goals (VI.F) Deliver HR Services Effectively Percentage of Principals satisfied with HC management learning opportunities and overall satisfaction with HR services (IX.A) – NEW! Percentage of Principals satisfied with data support for HC management (IX.B)

5 Retain & Develop Strategically
What are the USHCA Power Metrics for Principals? Principal Quality Get the Best Talent Consistently Deploy Them Deliberately Retain & Develop Strategically Retention of highly effective principals, by high- and low-need schools % high performers promoted and/or retained % low performers exited New principal performance by pathway (years 1-3) Applicant-to-vacancy ratio % vacancies filled by April 1 % principal managers satisfied with applicant pool Distribution of principal effectiveness across high- and low-need schools Deliver HR Services Effectively Principal’s manager’s satisfaction with data and support provided for HC management

6 Why Are Power Metrics Important?
Assessing your progress The USHCA Power Metrics: Allow all staff to understand if talent is being managed well across the employee lifecycle Assist teams in prioritizing areas of strength and areas for improvement Provide HR an opportunity to show measurable progress to workforce quality over time Key Power Metrics

7 Keep in Mind Things to remember
All eyes in the organization should be on the Power Metrics To measure the Power Metrics, certain foundational data must be available: Who are your effective teachers and principals? Which are your highest-need schools? How satisfied are your key customers? Power Metrics data should be shared with key stakeholders – including principals – at least once per year Other metrics listed on USHCA ABC Tools remain important and should continue to be measured as needed Key Power Metrics

8 Making Connections Related content
Assess, Breakthrough, and Change Tools Allows the HR/HC team to self-assess their current status and progress towards being a strategic support to the organization. Once the initial analysis is done, the team will be able to use the results to determine gaps in their functionality, to identify quick hits, and to build a strategic plan to close those gaps Key Levers for Accelerated HR Improvement Tool Provides a process to understand key HR work required to make progress Data Readiness See Data Readiness section to understand the foundations of data needed for a strong HR function Key Power Metrics

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