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Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited

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1 Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited
Results of the Town Energy Budget (TEB) coupled to the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) over Washington DC 15 January 2009 Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited

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Overview Motivation and Effort Models and Data Model set up Results Summary and Conclusions Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited

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Motivation UHI Effect is a well established phenomenon Impacts sensible weather (e.g. PBL) of urban area Studies have shown that the UHI can even interact/alter local mesoscale flow regimes Motivated the creation of parameterizations in models; however, studies done at high (<2km) resolution Current operational models use grid resolutions of km, thus capturing mesoscale flow regimes Primary tool used for sensible weather forecasts Using land surface models not designed to model UHI PBL’s over urban areas likely not well represented Mesoscale flow interactions not possible Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited

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Motivation Studies have shown Air quality, dispersion, and military TDA’s are sensitive to PBL parameters Used heavily in urban areas Often driven by operational meteorological NWP In addition, in 2000 nearly 50% of the world population is urban and expected to grow significantly in years to come (Cohen,2003): Thus any environmental impact of UHI will be felt by a disproportionate part of the population Result: Current operational forecasts in/around urban centers not accounting for UHI effects Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 4

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This Effort Primary question of my work: Can an urban parameterization improve simulation of a PBL over an urban area (Wash DC) using an typical ‘operational’ model set-up (e.g. 4-12km, fewer vertical layers) Secondary Questions (not addressed in this talk): What are the primary sensitivities of the coupled system with an eye towards issues to ‘operationalization’ How detailed does morphology information need to be? How detailed does land surface information need to be? Are the differences between the simulated PBL’s significant to follow-on applications (e.g. dispersion, military TDA’s) Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 5

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This Effort Used RAMS V4.3 coupled to LEAF-2 Land Surface Model with a ‘typical’ operational setup Urban Parameterization: Town Energy Balance (TEB) Model, Masson (2000) Well documented/validated ‘medium’ complexity parameterization Completed Rozoff (2003) coupling to LEAF-2 Created a 1km morphology database Description Option Grid Structure Arakawa C Grid; 3 fixed nested (80, 20, 5 km) PBL Parameterization Mellor-Yamada Radiation Parameterization Chen, both LW and SW Lower Boundary LEAF-2 with Town Energy Balance Lateral Boundary Klemp/Wilhelmson Level of First Model Layer 23 Meters (11m for those written to center) Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 6

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Models and Data Performed modeling over Washington DC for three days in 1984 1984 was chosen due to a year long field campaign called the Metropolitan Tracer Experiment (METREX) that provided additional sources of met data Present work from 26 Jun 1984 a warm summer day/night with SSW flow on the back side of departing high pressure Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 7

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Models and Data Meteorology data was available for a few sites around DC Importance was placed on obtaining both surface and elevated data Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 8

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Subjective Results What did the addition of TEB do to the simulation and how does it compare with what we would anticipate? 26 Jun 84: 26 Jun: 2200L Temperature (C) TEB – No TEB Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 9

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Subjective Results 26 Jun 84: 26 Jun: 1300L Wind Speed (m/s) TEB – No TEB 27 Jun: 0000L Wind Speed (m/s) TEB – No TEB Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 10

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Subjective Results 26 Jun 84: 26 Jun: 2200L PBL Height TEB – No TEB Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 11

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Subjective Results 26 Jun 84: 26 Jun: 2200L Streamlines No -TEB 26 Jun: 2200L Streamlines TEB Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 12

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Objective Results What did the addition of TEB do to the simulation and how does it compare with what was measured? Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 13

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Objective Results What did the addition of TEB do to the simulation and how does it compare with what was measured? Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 14

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Objective Results Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 15

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Objective Results What did the addition of TEB do to the simulation and how does it compare with what was measured? Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 16

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Objective Results Ksjflaksjdfa;sdfjasfjsdfkjdaslfkjdaslfjkasdflkjasldfkjasldkfjasldkfjasldfkjasldkfjasldfkjsadlfkjlksjflakdfj Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 17

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Objective Results Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 18

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Conclusions The addition of TEB allowed the model to simulate many features common to a UHI and therefore seems to be working ‘properly’ Comparisons against observational data suggests: TEB is moving the simulation of the PBL closer to observations within the core of the urban environment Both models struggle with observations near the urban transition with TEB is likely over doing things somewhat possibly due to land surface representation at 5km grid spacing Argue that overall TEB is moving the PBL in a better direction Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 19

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BACKUPS Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 20

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Motivation These facts have driven the research community to develop a number of urban parameterizations designed for use with NWP models Designed to supplement a parent LSM in urban areas Vary in sophistication from simple ‘bulk’ approaches to fully coupled and integrated land and atmospheric parameterizations Almost all application work done with urban parameterizations in peer reviewed literature has been done with very fine resolution modeling (<2km) Also often initialized with operational NWP Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 21

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Land Surface Model Each class of land surface is given different characteristics such as albedo, surface roughness, displacement height, thermal properties etc Urban is generally treated as vegetation No capacity for 3D geometry effects No ability to add anthropogenic sources Thermal characteristics poorly represented Result: LSM not designed to produce a UHI or any of its impacts Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 22

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Models and Data Urban Parameterization: Town Energy Balance (TEB) Model, Masson (2000) Treats the urban area as a 3D volume with each grid cell containing a local street canyon system of roofs, walls, and roads Models three different energy balances (road, roof, wall) Utilizes a user provided set of morphology characteristics that describe the urban landscape to perform its calculations All fluxes calculated in this 3D volume are provided as surface inputs to the parent model, even if the actual morphology of the urban area extends into the lower layers of the model Allows for anthropogenic fluxes both direct and indirect Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 23

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Models and Data Mesoscale Model: RAMS 4.3 – Fully non-hydrostatic mesoscale model with an extensive history of atmospheric simulation from 200m to 2000km Land Surface Model: Land Ecosystem-Atmospheric Feedback-2 (LEAF-2) Fully coupled to RAMS Utilizes 18 Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) vegetation classes Another 12 classes were defined from the NASA/NOAA Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) LEAF-2 offers the capability to model multiple land patches per grid cell Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 24

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Models and Data TEB requires the following Morphology related data (all are grid cell averages): Average bld height Fractional area of bld Building Aspect Ratio Dynamic Roughness Albedo/Emis Roads Albedo/Emis Roofs Albedo/Emis Walls Number of layers roofs/roads/walls Thickness of layers Thermal cond of layers Heat capacity of layers Internal Temp Bld SH/LE traffic SH/LE Industry For this work I created a 1km morphology dataset that allowed me to vary variables in red Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 25

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Models and Data Morphology data over Washington DC supplied by my efforts and allowed to vary by gridcell… all other locations were given a default set of fixed morphology Three different sets of land surface data sets were obtained for sensitivity testing Standard 30s (1km) AVHRR dataset provided with RAMS A Land Class/Land Use (LULC) 30m dataset LULC modified with Morphology vegetation estimates Designed to estimate the actual non-natural land cover AVHRR: 72% LULC: 60% LULC-Mod: 37% LULC-Mod was the primary dataset Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 26

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Models and Data Description Option Grid Structure Arakawa C Grid; 3 fixed nested (80, 20, 5 km) PBL Parameterization Mellor-Yamada Radiation Parameterization Chen, both LW and SW Lower Boundary LEAF-2 with Town Energy Balance Lateral Boundary Klemp/Wilhelmson Level of First Model Layer 23 Meters (11m for those written to center) Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 27

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Models and Data Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 28

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Subjective Results 26 Jun 84: 26 Jun: 2200L Streamlines TEB – No TEB Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 29

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Subjective Results 26 Jun 84: 27 Jun: 1000L Temperature (C) TEB – No TEB Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 30

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Objective Results Takoma Tower 60m Winds: Averaged L Obs: 2m/s No TEB: 4.0 m/s TEB: 3 m/s Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 31

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Objective Results? 26 Jun 84: 26 Jun: 2200L Streamlines TEB Distribution A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited 32

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