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Bundled Services: Foundational Programming

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Presentation on theme: "Bundled Services: Foundational Programming"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bundled Services: Foundational Programming
From Harm to Home

2 Objectives To understand WHY the Bundled Services model
To understand the opportunity of expanding Financial Capability Services To identify your first steps towards expansion! From Harm to Home

3 Funder Fantasy Hundreds of clients Data driven Positive Impact Integrated services and financial products From Harm to Home

4 Client Fantasy One stop shop Client centered and client led Strengths based Holistic Continuum of care From Harm to Home

5 Bundled Service Evidence
Five times more likely to achieve a major economic outcome using the model - Annie E. Casey Foundation From Harm to Home

6 Financial Opportunity Centers (FOC) & Bundled Services
Annie E Casey/LISC model Workforce Development Public Benefits Screening and Enrollment Financial Education and Counseling/Coaching Use common data system to track everything Track long-term change in Net Income, Net Worth, Credit Score Offered in community locations where clients feel comfortable

7 Income Assets Income Exceeds Basic Needs Living Wage
Career Development Income Exceeds Basic Needs Living Wage Savings Assets Discretionary spending Early Employment Income Meets Basic Needs Entry-level Employment Food Rent Utilities Contextualized ESL Basic Financial Education Ongoing Financial Ed Vocational ESL Small Business Development Where we want clients to be: durably self-reliant, have clear pathways to upward economic mobility, savings and assets – secure in their financial present and future, contributing members of their communities ->thriving Tax Preparation Incentivized Savings Loan Products

8 Integrating Financial Education and Coaching with Workforce Development
Combined Financial Assessment (CFA)

9 Bundled Services - Data
Outcomes driven Income Net Worth Credit Score From Harm to Home

10 Financial Capability for New Americans

11 Financial Capability for New Americans

12 Resources Building Financial Capability: A Planning Guide for Integrated Services LISC website on Integrated Services Center for Working Families How-To Guide From Harm to Home

13 ? Questions

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