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Dennis Baldocchi & James Dorsey

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1 Evaluating Sub-Grid Variability of Surface Fluxes with a Cellular Automata Model─Wet/Dry DaisyWorld
Dennis Baldocchi & James Dorsey Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management University of California, Berkeley Monique Leclerc University of Georgia, Griffin

2 Outline Why Sub-Grid Variability is a Problem? 2-D DaisyWorld Model
Cellular Automata Results & Discussion Spatial Scaling and Variance Overlay Flux Footprints on 2-d Daisyworld Energy Flux Grid to assess Spatial Sampling Errors and Energy Balance Closure

3 Upscaling Fluxes over Heterogeneous Canopies, e.g. Savannas
What is the Expected Value of the Energy Flux from this Heterogeneous 1 km grid, the scale of a MODIS Pixel?

4 Assessing Spatial Averages: a la ‘Reynolds’ Decomposition of Penman-Monteith Equation

5 Sub-Grid Variability: at MODIS and IKONOS scales

6 Wet/Dry Daisy World Baldocchi et al, Tellus, 2005

7 Cellular Automata (CA) Rules: 2d Daisy World
If cell bare, compute probability of birth Based on temperature of central, bare cell Based on temperature of surrounding neighbors Based on temperature of neighbor, picked at random If ‘daisy’ is born, decide if it is ‘wet’ or ‘dry’ and assigned it values of albedo and stomatal conductance based on Properties of neighbor, picked at random Properties of the dominating neighbor


9 dry wet Bare

10 Latent Heat Exchange

11 Heterogeneity follows Power Law Scaling with size of Averaging Window

12 Scaling Rules and Tools: Does sET scale with sT?

13 Errors in ET Scaling

14 Radiometer vs Flux Footprints
3-d Lagrangian Footprint Model, with canopy Langevin Eq: Thomson Model Turbulence Fields: 3rd Order Closure Model, Pyles and Paw U

15 Tonzi Ranch

16 Vaira Ranch

17 Eddy covariance footprints and ecosystem representativeness
Further work Improvements to the turbulence closure scheme used in the Lagrangian footprint model are underway. DaisyWorld simulations of larger and more heterogeneous ecosystems Use of MODIS and GIS data to perform representativeness assessments for several US Ameriflux sites.


19 Eddy covariance footprints and ecosystem representativeness
Footprint representation Newly developed Lagrangian stochastic footprint model was run for a 1 m canopy and 3 m measurement height. Half a million trajectories were integrated to calculate the source probability density. The footprint calculation was run using the same grid geometry as the DaisyWorld simulation to allow convolution of the results. The EC “tower” was placed in different locations in the simulated ecosystem, and the EC system's view of the ecosystem was calculated. Results are histograms of the ratio of measurement simulations to ecosystem activity.

20 Eddy covariance footprints and ecosystem representativeness
Results Histograms show water vapour flux closure. Values of 100% denote a representative measurement. Each histogram shows 500 separate tower locations within the simulated ecosystem. Closure probability for heterogeneity length scale Lh = 1 m

21 Eddy covariance footprints and ecosystem representativeness
Results Closure probability for heterogeneity length scale Lh = 2 m Closure probability for heterogeneity length scale Lh = 4 m



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