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E-SCRAP 2009 • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 • 1pm–4pm

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1 E-SCRAP 2009 • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 • 1pm–4pm
PERFORMANCE MEASURES FOR ELECTRONICS RECYCLING PROGRAMS How Can We Measure Effectiveness? LED BY: Jason Linnell, National Center for Electronics Recycling Jennifer Nash, Product Stewardship Institute E-SCRAP 2009 • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 • 1pm–4pm

2 National Center for Electronics Recycling
ABOUT US National Center for Electronics Recycling A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed in 2005 Dedicated to the development and enhancement of a national infrastructure for the recycling of used electronics in the U.S. The NCER is ready to assist in the implementation of recycling programs across the country and believes that national and regional approaches offer the best way forward. Product Stewardship Institute National non-profit membership-based organization located in Boston, Massachusetts Works with state and local government agencies to partner with manufacturers, retailers, environmental groups, federal agencies, and other key stakeholders to reduce the health and environmental impacts of consumer products. Encourages product design changes and mediating stakeholder dialogues

3 Current Performance Metrics in State Electronics Recycling Programs
Current metrics Current Performance Metrics in State Electronics Recycling Programs Jason Linnell, NCER Types of Metrics in Legislation Results So Far What Are We Missing?

4 Workshop goals Dialogue on effective performance measures
Develop a plan to incorporate them into data and analysis Agenda Overview Overview presentations/questions Current metrics for electronics recycling Stakeholder panel Discussion

5 States With E-Waste Laws
Rhode Island NYC States With Producer Responsibility Laws States With ARF (Consumer Fees) Laws States With Landfill Disposal Fee States With Disposal Ban/No E-Waste Law

6 Current metrics California is the best program in the nation! OR….
*Time period Jul 08- Jun ** annualized California is the best program in the nation! OR….

7 Current metrics *Time period Jul 08- Jun ** annualized California is (barely) the best program in the nation! BUT…

8 Current metrics Major Differences: Patchwork of Products and Entities!
10 different sets of product lists 8 Sets of “covered entities” All cover monitors, TVs, laptops + allow households Non-Scientific Deductions to normalize (cumulative) – 10% desktops – 5% small peripherals/printers/VCRs/DVDs etc And (choose 1): – 35% allow all entities (including business) – 15% allow small businesses, school districts, local governments – 10% all small business/non-profits only

9 Current metrics Minnesota is the best program in the nation!

10 How Can & Should We Measure Performance??
Current metrics How Can & Should We Measure Performance??

11 Performance Goals Overview
Jennifer Nash, PSI Effective Metrics Types of Performance Metrics Use of Performance Metrics in other Stewardship Programs


13 panel Panel Members Garth Hickle, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Carole Cifrino, Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection Mike Watson, Dell Lorraine Kerwood, NextStep Recycling

14 What Are The Desired Metrics for Electronics Recycling Programs?
Open Forum What Are The Desired Metrics for Electronics Recycling Programs? What are the best metrics? Other Metrics – What is feasible and what would they tell us? What are the key challenges in harmonizing performance metrics?  Is it necessary to harmonize all program elements at once, or can metrics be harmonized as a first step? Plan for follow-up action on performance measures

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