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Bell Ringer #1 Get out a textbook, turn to page 124.

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1 Bell Ringer #1 Get out a textbook, turn to page 124.
List and define the vocabulary words; Abstinence through Enabler.

2 Family Life Education SEXUAL BEHAVIORS

3 5 Reasons to Wait Until Marriage to have Sex
Preserves traditional marriage Increases sexual satisfaction Protects physical health Protects emotional health Protects against unwanted pregnancy

4 Traditional Marriage Adds stability to a society - the family structure is the strength of society. The family is the basic unit of society. Actions that preserve traditional marriage preserves the family. Actions that weaken will breakdown the family unit.

5 Sexual Satisfaction Waiting until marriage to have sex increases the strength of the relationship. Gives the couple a chance to develop other aspects of a relationship such as trust and communication.

6 Protection of Physical Health
A marriage commitment implies sexual fidelity. Free from risk of STD’s

7 Protection of Emotional Health
Marriage offers psychological advantages to a relationship. Marriage provides self confidence for both partners, that they are loved as a total person. A married couple has made a commitment to be together after sexual intercourse.

8 Protection against Unwanted Pregnancy
Majority of unwanted pregnancies occur outside of marriage. Marriage provides a commitment to each other needed to raise a child in a loving, stable home. Single parenting is difficult when trying to fulfill the roles of both parents.

9 Why Practicing Abstinence is a Responsible Decision
Promotes Health Protects Safety Follows Laws Shows Respect Follows Parental Guidelines Demonstrates Good Character

10 Promotes Health Reduces risk of becoming infected with HIV and developing AIDS. Reduces risk of other STD’s. You will not become a teenage parent.

11 Protects Safety Reduce the risk of violence associated with teen parenthood. Suicide rate of teen mothers is 10 times that of the general population. The number of teen parents who abuse and neglect their children is extremely high.

12 Follows Laws You avoid situations in which you could be prosecuted for having sex with a minor (under the age of 18). You avoid sexual behavior for which you can be prosecuted for date rape. Abstinence will keep you from having sex with an unwilling partner.

13 Shows Respect for Self and Others
You maintain a good reputation because you are responsible. Gain self-respect Gain respect from others Others would be comfortable and confident in dating you (no pressures involved)

14 Follows the Guidelines of Parents and of Other Responsible Adults
You avoid having conflicts with your parents or guardian because you follow their guidelines. Surveys indicate that 97% of parents and guardians, of teens, want them to practice abstinence. Parental guidelines are for protection of the teen.

15 Demonstrates Good Character
You are self-disciplined and can delay gratification in order to uphold your values. As a result, you do not feel guilty or anxious about your own behavior. You can concentrate on other aspects of your life, including dating relationships.


17 How to set limits for Expressing Physical Affection
Limit to hand holding, hugging, and casual kissing to keep your BRAIN in control of your decisions and actions. (Your BODY will try to take over if the situation becomes too involved) Tell the other person your limits ahead of time. Do not date someone who doesn’t respect your limits. Avoid drinking alcohol or drug use and also avoid this behavior in someone else.

18 How to Say NO if you are Pressured to be Sexually Active
Be confident –SAY NO!! Give reasons Use broken record technique Use non-verbal behavior to support your message (don’t lead someone on) Avoid situations and people that you may be pressured by. Know the laws Influence others to practice abstinence

19 Show video, “Deadly Desires”


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