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Solutions for disposables

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Presentation on theme: "Solutions for disposables"— Presentation transcript:

1 Solutions for disposables

2 Plastic bags What is the problem?
Not recyled – this causes bags to go into landfill and the sea. Why is this an issue? They are not easily degradable, leading to build up of plastics in the ground, which also enter the sea and harm animals. Possible solutions? More ‘bags for life’- focus on long term use. Bio-degradable materials

3 Examples: ‘surf and earth’- prawn shopping bags: an alternative to oil based plastics. using the biopolymer Chitosan, which is derived from the shells of prawns and is biodegradeable. EKO bags, made from 100% recycled plastics, aim to minimize and eventually eliminate the use of disposable plastic bags.

4 Coffee cups/plastic cups
What is the problem? People relying on convenience consumer culture Non-recyclable materials. Why is this an issue? Leads to a linear economy, which is not sustainable. Possible solutions? Use of other materials that are recyclable, that have similar properties. Incentives not to use disposable cups.

5 Examples:

6 further discussion points: Are consumers aware of the issues surrounding non sustainable consumption? Do they care enough to change? Is there enough awareness/education on sustainability?

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