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The Kinematics Equations (1D Equations of Motion)

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1 The Kinematics Equations (1D Equations of Motion)
Unit 2 Class Notes The Kinematics Equations (1D Equations of Motion) Honors Physics

2 Day 4 Chase Problems









11 both start at the same place at the same time.
start at different places but at the same time. both start at the same place but at different times. start at different places and at different times. B or D but be moving in different directions … YIKES!

12 Great for “Chase” Problems
“New Look” Leo Great for “Chase” Problems

13 TIMES POSITIONS Notice that both equations above are really THE SAME EQUATION. That being said, the 2nd equation is SOOOOOOOOOO much easier to use in Chase Problems.

14 Notice that while Timmy and Susie have different starting positions (x1T= 0m while x1S= 50 m), they have the same final position (x2) after Timmy catches Susie. x1T x1S x2 x2T = x2S Use the chase equation:

15 As a continuation of the last problem,
Notice that while Timmy and Susie have the same starting position (x1T = x1S= 0), they ALSO have the same final position (x2) after Susie catches Timmy. x1T = x1S x2 Really, you could have made the initial position ANYTHING you wanted. Since it didn’t matter, I chose zero. x2T = x2S Use the chase equation:

16 + - Start with the dropped penny

17 x1T x x1S Notice that the dummies have different starting positions (x1A = 0, x1B= 10000), BUT they have the same final position (x2) when they crash. x2A = x2A Speeding up Constant speed Use the chase equation: How fast is the 2nd dummy travelling at the 5 second mark (when he reaches top speed?) Speeding up Constant speed

18 TONIGHTS HW Complete pp. 62-64, # 68, 104
Complete “Chase Problems Worksheet”.

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