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Sonoran desert tortoise

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Presentation on theme: "Sonoran desert tortoise"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sonoran desert tortoise
endangered, can live over 100 years, get moisture from plants they eat, they pee when threatened

2 Western Banded Gecko can commonly be seen by house lights hunting insects

3 Whiptail lizard Some species are entirely female, they drop their tail when threatened

4 Gila Monster one of only 2 poisonous lizards in the world, can eat 35% of their body weight in one sitting, spend 90% of their time underground

5 Tree Lizard found commonly in Mesquite trees, males do pushups to impress females

6 Diamondback Rattlesnake
named because of pattern on the back, bite destroys tissue and causes excessive bleeding

7 Sidewinder gets its name from the s shaped movement

8 Mojave rattlesnake has neurotoxin which destroys the nervous system

9 Symptoms of a Rattlesnake Bite:
One or two puncture marks, numbness, nausea, weakness and light-headedness. Difficulty breathing Wash the bite. Keep the bite below the heart Take off any constricting jewelry. Tie a loose bandage around the bite. See a doctor within 1/2 hour if possible.

10 Stupidity=Ouch Of the reported snakebites on humans, a large number are caused by provocation, and of those nearly all are attributed to males between 20 and 50 years of age and almost all of those men were involved with the use of alcohol!

11 Kingsnake called the kingsnake because it eats other snakes

12 Coral snake Red on black, friend of Jack. Red on yellow, kills a fellow. Poisonous, but they have small jaws and fangs. Can't inject much venom in humans.

13 Cactus wren AZ state bird

14 Road runner hunts lizards, runs fast, doesn't fly well

15 Acorn wood pecker families can store over 100,000 acorns in one tree

16 Anna's hummingbird commonly found at bird feeders, male has a bright pink throat

17 Golden Eagle very aggressive, has killed other eagle
species for entering its territory

18 Great Blue Heron large bird commonly seen around local lakes, fly with their necks tucked in to their chest

19 Sand Hill Crane fly with their necks outstretched; they do a mating dance with their partner

20 Burrowing owl makes a nest underground, have very long legs for an owl

21 Elegant trogon very rare, only 20 pairs in the U.S.

22 Elf owl only 5 inches long, hunts moths, nests in holes in trees or telephone poles

23 Harris Hawk hunt in cooperative groups, one female mates with several males

24 Red tailed hawk commonly seen on telephone poles, most common hawk in the U.S.

25 Pin Tailed duck males have a long tail, can be seen at the zoo

26 Ruddy duck males have a blue bill during mating season

27 Canada Goose eats vegetation, commonly found on golf courses where they are not welcome because of the amount of poop they make- yuck!

28 Loggerhead shrike impales lizards on cactus, comes back and eats them later

29 Turkey vulture has a bald head so it is easier to clean after eating dead stuff; 50% of their diet is vegetation, they can projectile vomit at predators to make them leave

30 California condor North America's largest bird, wingspan of 9 1/2
feet, only about 200 in the world

31 Redwinged blackbird the more red a male has on the wings, the more attractive he is to females

32 The End

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