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Promising Practices for LGBTQ Mental Health PEI

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Presentation on theme: "Promising Practices for LGBTQ Mental Health PEI"— Presentation transcript:

1 Promising Practices for LGBTQ Mental Health PEI
CRDP LGBTQ TA Center May 31, 2018 Ken Einhaus, Co-Director

2 LGBTQ Pilot Projects Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity
Gender Health Center Gender Spectrum On The Move Openhouse San Francisco Community Health Center San Joaquin Pride Center

3 Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity Bakersfield
Reducing Isolation through Support and Empowerment (RISE) Priority Populations: Marginalized rural LGBTQ populations, especially transgender and/or bisexual Rural LGBTQ+ youth Core Components: Workshops 1:1 Support Social and educational activities at the Center Outreach and training of LGBTQ community members Outreach/trainings with larger community Outreach/trainings with providers

4 Gender Health Center Sacramento
Priority Populations: Transgender and Gender Non-conforming (TGN) People in relationships with TGN Core Components: Queer-Informed Narrative Therapy sessions administered by a culturally competent mental health provider Mental health provider intern training Community building social and recreational programming Other Services Provided: Hormone clinic, three peer support groups, legal assistance, name and gender change, Covered California outreach and education, economic empowerment

5 Gender Spectrum Statewide
Priority Populations: Gender expansive children Transgender children LGBTQ youth All youth Core Components: Train educators and students to affirm gender diversity and increase school connection Foundations of Gender ( hour all school trainings) Inclusive Schools Network (1 year with train-the-trainers)

6 On The Move Napa OASIS Model Priority Populations: Core Components:
Youth aged Core Components: Connections to peers and appropriate resources Youth-led advocacy projects Youth leadership development Youth-informed workplace/provider trainings

7 Openhouse San Francisco
Priority Populations: LGBTQ Older Adults Core Components: Friendly visitor program Emotional support program individual intervention Emotional support program in a group setting Social engagement and recreational programming

8 San Francisco Community Health Center San Francisco
Let’s Connect Priority Populations: Transgender LGBTQ+ Transition-Aged Youth (TAY) Core Components: 8 2-Hour Sessions (themed) 2 Half-Day Workshops (sharing stories) Delivery within wrap around drop-in centers, with basic needs Medical interventions via drop in Mental health interventions via drop in Social support / case management via drop in Peer/group skills building via drop in

9 San Joaquin Pride Center Stockton
Cultivating Acceptance Program (CAP) Priority Populations: LGBTQ+ middle and high school students Core Components: Positive school environment Youth empowerment program Accepting families Culturally competent mental health services

10 Need additional information?
NITT-TA Center: A Guide to Collaboration in Complex Systems Jan, 27, 2015 Need additional information? Contact the LGBTQ-TA Center Daniel Toleran, MS x217 Ken Einhaus x208 required

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