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Aspect Validation: Connecting Aspects and Formal Methods

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1 Aspect Validation: Connecting Aspects and Formal Methods
Shmuel Katz The Technion (This term at Lancaster University) (joint work with Marcelo Sihman)

2 What is an Aspect? Modular unit to treat otherwise cross-cutting concerns of object-oriented systems Augment/change existing code by describing Where to change---joinpoints How to change---advice For Composition Filters: you are experts For AspectJ—looks like a class declaration with extra elements Add Security, Fault tolerance, Monitoring,...

3 Ideal Goal: verifying aspects
Show once and for all that: For every possible underlying system satisfying Assumptions of the Aspect, For any legal combination (weaving) of the aspect and the underlying system, The New Functionality will be true for the combination, and All previous desirable properties are still OK

4 The Problem: Impracticality
Such a proof must be inductive No one really does inductive proofs for software using existing tools Requires generalizations hard to express on every software architecture within a class, or every weaving of a certain type (Still valuable for defining semantics)

5 One way: testing Regression testing to show previous test still passed (perhaps with different values computed—so hard to evaluate) Hard to find sufficient tests—due to global nature of the weaving of aspect and underlying system The aspect cannot be executed by itself (an aspect is not a program)

6 Another Way: Aspect Validation
Show each application of an aspect over a system is correct Still formal verification, but for each instance Key idea: set-up is manual, but then the proof for each instance is automatic Proves that applications so far are correct First used for Compiler Validation [Pnueli,]

7 Detour: Compiler Validation
It is too hard to verify a compiler Instead, each time the compiler is activated, automatically generate assertions about the source and target code If the assertions are true, the translation is proven correct this time Checking the assertions can be done automatically (simple implications)

8 Key ideas of Aspect Validation
Use an existing software model checking tool Define collections of aspects, with specifications (we call them superimpositions) Use aspects and superimpositions themselves to express the augmentations to systems needed for various model checking tasks Manual set-up is done once, then a sequence of automatically generated tasks are done each time the collection of aspects is woven into a basic system.

9 Superimpositions and Aspects
Generic aspect: has parameters that allow binding to any appropriate context; have one type of additions Superimposition: collection of aspects that together treat a concern or give an added algorithm (ex.: Root, Internal, Leaf aspects that add a spanning tree over objects) Have specification: Assumptions about basic+ New functionality

10 Case study: Monitoring Super (over a Basic Bounded Buffer)
Monitoring that also stops the basic if a condition is violated: regulatory It could affect liveness properties of the Buffer Monitoring has a joint aspect, one extension aspect for Mutable base classes and one for Constant base classes Records the number of external method calls If basic attempts to change constant class– the monitor intercedes and stops the system


12 What is model checking? Given a finite representation of a model (a program), and an assertion about execution paths in temporal logic, check whether the assertion holds for every possible execution path (even infinite ones!) and thus is a property of the model Generate compact representations, use clever algorithms to check, restrict assertion language, use abstractions to get smaller models, …

13 Software model checking
Tool that allows augmenting (Java) code, abstracting domains, expressing properties to be checked Bandera (or others) generate input to existing tools like SMV, Spin, … For proper abstractions, success means the checked property holds for every execution Often ends with a counter-example Can fail due to state explosion, giving no info Algorithmic (except for finding abstractions)

14 Validation Superimpositions
Augmentations to be added to Applications of Aspects over Basic Systems For each Application Super, build 2 VS’s: Asm: Assumptions of the Application Res: Desired results of the Application Contain new fields, predicates,…for each application aspect and for the super. For each Basic system, need another VS: Spec: specification of the Basic system

15 The Validation process
Correctness of Basic: Apply Spec to Basic, and activate model checker (done earlier) Basic is appropriate: Apply Asm to Basic, activate model checker Apply Application over Basic giving A+B, No harm: Apply Spec to A+B, activate model checker Achieves result: Apply Res to A+B, activate model checker

16 How to Validate Aspects/Superimpositions
Build Validation Superimpositions (manual) Apply the stages for each combination Activate model checker = Apply appropriate Validation Superimposition use Bandera to generate model checker input apply appropriate model checker to input Once the VS’s are built, the rest is automatic VS’s use same bindings as the Application!

17 Case study: Monitoring’s Assumption about Basic
For each class instance, the Method bound to parameter EM is eventually called That will be the last method called by that class instance (because the monitoring then reports the total of the external method calls made)

18 Monitoring’s Asm Validation Superimposition

19 Monitoring’s Results Validation superimposition
TotCalls must always equal totConCalls + totMutCalls, except inside methods TotCalls will equal number of external method calls in all basic objects bound If attempt is made to modify a constant, the combined system prints an error message and stops



22 Validation gives a practical path to routine application
Only expert needs to write Bandera (once) Practical limitations: Tools have arbitrary restrictions Need abstractions Counter-examples can find bugs The key: full modularization of the VS’s allows automatic application Superimpositions provide right module for specifications and reuse

23 Can we verify once-and-for-all with model checking?
Model checking needs a model… Complete aspect/super. with a dummy program that satisfies the assumptions Verify for that combination…conclude all are OK (need inductive reasoning here) Connects to parametric model checking, and checking model-generating graph grammars. Easy for spectative, hard for invasive…

24 Conclusions on Aspect Validation
Once-and-for-all verification is good but hard Validation of each instance is also formal, and seems more practical Future vision: library of application superimpositions, each with associated validation superimpositions References: FOAL 2003; Verification…Festschrift for Zohar Manna, LNCS 2772 (appearing Nov. 2003)

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