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Triassic Brigadier Fm, NW Shelf, Australia

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1 Triassic Brigadier Fm, NW Shelf, Australia
Dockrell 2 (Core 1-3) Triassic Brigadier Fm, NW Shelf, Australia Proximal Delta Proximal Delta Proximal Delta Shelf/Prodelta Fluvial Distal Delta Fluvial Fluvial Fluvial Fluvial Distal Delta Fluvial Fluvial Distal Delta Fluvial Fluvial Distal Delta Fluvial Fluvial Shelf/Prodelta Fluvial

2 Triassic Brigadier Fm, NW Shelf, Australia
Dockrell 2 (Core 1-3) Triassic Brigadier Fm, NW Shelf, Australia Distributary Channel Proximal Delta Distal Delta Proximal Delta Distal Delta Distal Delta Proximal Delta Distal Delta Proximal/Distal Delta Distal Delta Proximal Delta Distal Delta Starved Shelf Fluvial Fluvial Proximal Delta Fluvial Distal Delta Fluvial Distal Delta Distal Delta

3 Triassic Brigadier Fm, NW Shelf, Australia
Dockrell 2 (Core 1-3) Triassic Brigadier Fm, NW Shelf, Australia Estuarine Proximal Delta Fluvial Fluvial Fluvial Proximal Delta Proximal Delta Fluvial Fluvial Proximal Delta Fluvial Fluvial Fluvial Fluvial Fluvial Proximal/Distal Delta Fluvial Fluvial Proximal/Distal Delta Fluvial

4 Triassic Brigadier Fm, NW Shelf, Australia
Dockrell 2 (Core 1-3) Triassic Brigadier Fm, NW Shelf, Australia Proximal/Distal Delta Shelf/Prodelta Bayhead Delta Bayhead Delta Shelf/Prodelta Bayhead Delta Shelf/Prodelta Cored Interval Cong. (Backhouse, et al., 2002)

5 A Core Interpretation Logic Tree
Surface of Facies Contrast Recognized Water has deepened? Water has shallowed? Above a discrete parasequence /section that shallows up? Low-accommodation fluvial capped by marine or high-accommodation fluvial? Substantial deepening and/or evidence of erosion with deepening? Slight marine-marine shallowing? Evidence of subaerial emergence or valley fill above marine units separated by erosional scour or paleosol? Shift from high-accommodation fluvial to low-accommodation fluvial across erosional surface? Within Trend Forced Regressive Surface or Basal Surface of Forced Regression (if no erosion) or Regressive Wave Ravinement (if erosional). Flooding Surface Maximum Regressive Surface Transgressive Wave Ravinement Subaerial Unconformity Anomalously marine or aqueous section? Evidence of starvation of terrestrial sediment within marine section? Evidence of marine flooding interval or interval of raised water table within fluvial section? Marine Flooding Surface within Condensed Section Marine Flooding Surface within Terrestrial Section

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