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Presentation on theme: "OCEAN CURRENTS."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a Current ? mass of water moving from one place to another
like a river within the ocean

3 Why are Currents Important? moves drifting organisms from
place to place – plankton, disperse young carries eggs and larvae of organisms that have external fertilization brings food, oxygen carries away waste, pollutants

4 Three Types of Currents
surface currents thermohaline circulation (currents) wind-driven vertical currents (upwelling)

5 Surface Currents wind driven currents occur at surface
horizontal currents caused by friction between wind and water - wind pushes water

6 Surface Currents Coriolis effect causes moving objects
in northern hemisphere to veer clockwise in southern hemisphere to move counter- clockwise

7 Surface Currents Coriolis effect 7

8 Specific Surface Currents:
Gyre - massive circular system of wind-driven surface currents cover whole oceans clockwise in Northern hemisphere counter-clockwise in Southern hemisphere

9 Specific Surface Currents:
Eddies = warm core rings break off of currents and transport organisms elsewhere

10 Thermohaline Circulation (currents)
causes deep ocean circulation vertical currents temperature and salinity cause water density differences due to density differences, water masses rise and fall

11 Thermohaline Circulation (currents)
↑ salinity = ↑ density = water mass sinks ↑ temp. = ↓ density = water mass floats

12 Thermohaline Circulation (currents)

13 Thermohaline Circulation (currents)
when combined with surface currents, results in conveyor belt movement of water around globe

14 Upwelling (Wind Driven Vertical Currents)
wind blows, moves water away, causes new water to rise up to replace it

15 How does the Ocean Affect the Weather?
OCEAN-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTION How does the Ocean Affect the Weather?

- Water, gases, and energy are exchanged between the ocean and atmosphere

This Exchange: - Moderates the surface temperatures of the ocean - Shapes the Earth’s weather and climate - Generates most of the ocean’s waves

18 How are Weather and Climate Different?
WEATHER is the state of the atmosphere at a specific place and time CLIMATE is the long-term (30 year) average of weather in an area Both weather and climate are affected by the ocean

19 Ocean’s Effect on Local Weather
                                                                                                                                                                                 Ever Notice??? The weather inland is different than the weather closer to the coast. WHY???

20 WINTER 41 54 50 43 Water is warmer than land during winter. The ocean warms the cities right along the coast. 52

21 SUMMER 101 91 87 98 Water is cooler than the land during summer. Now the oceans cools the coastal cities. 89

22 Why is there almost always a breeze at the beach?
Coastal Breezes Why is there almost always a breeze at the beach? - The land and water heat at different rates - Land heats and cools faster than the water

23 Afternoon Breezes are onshore
Clouds Form Cool air sinks to fill in the space Afternoon Showers Warmer temperatures cause air to rise Onshore Breeze Cooler Ocean Warmer Land

24 Evening Breezes are offshore
Cool air sinks to fill in the space Warmer temperatures cause air to rise Offshore Breeze Warmer Ocean Cooler Land

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