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Algorithmic Problems Related to Sequences and Phylogenetic Trees

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1 Algorithmic Problems Related to Sequences and Phylogenetic Trees
Bhaskar DasGupta Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, IL 11/22/2018

2 Substructure Comparison Problems Sequences
Outline Introduction Substructure Comparison Problems Sequences Nonoverlapping local alignment Proteins Transformation Based Distances Phylogenetic Trees Why compare? A few distances Genomes Syntenic Distance Conclusions 11/22/2018

3 Computational Molecular Biology A Computer Scientist’s Participation
Get to know the computational problems Talk to biologists State the computational problems as precisely as possible Investigate computational aspects of the problems exact solutions difficult/easy ? time/space efficient solutions ? approximate solutions (if exact solution is hard or not time/space efficient) guaranteed quality of approximation ? (tradeoff with space/time?) deterministic vs. randomized algorithms implementation aspects programming cleverness to reduce space/time algorithmic engineering techniques to reduce space/time interaction with the biologists are the solutions biologically meaningful ? 11/22/2018

4 Few Computer Science Jargons
When we say What we really mean Maximization/minimization problem Problem in which we maximize/minimize some objective function Problem is NP-complete/hard Exact solution for large size problem will most likely require too much time Polynomial-time solution Solvable in reasonable time in a reasonably fast computer Approximation algorithm An approximate solution computed in reasonable time with approximation ratio r with an objective function value of a (for maximization/minimization) least (at most r) of the optimum 11/22/2018

5 Substructure Similarity (or, equivalently, Dissimilarity)
a matches to a’ with similarity 10 b matches to b’ with similarity 15 c matches to c’ with similarity 11 total similarity 36 Goal: match disjoint substructures to maximize total similarity 11/22/2018

6 Many short vs. fewer long substructures
Few Complications Many short vs. fewer long substructures Measure of similarity between substructures Examples: rmsd (root-mean-square distance) between 3D substructures edit distance between subsequences syntenic distance between multi-chromosome genomes 11/22/2018

7 Non-overlapping local alignment
Sequences Non-overlapping local alignment total similarity 10+15=25 11/22/2018

8 The problem Input: pairs of fragments, one from each sequence (or, equivalently a set of rectangles). the weight of each pair (rectangle) is their similarity measure Output: a set of pairs (rectangles) such that no two rectangles overlap on the x-axis (i.e., matched fragments of the first sequence are disjoint) no two rectangles overlap on the y-axis (i.e., matched fragments of the 2nd sequence are disjoint) total similarity of selected fragment pairs is maximized 11/22/2018

9 not allowed in the input data
Further assumption We can preprocess input data (rectangles or fragment pairs) to ensure that for any two rectangles, the projection of one on the y-axis does not enclose that of another not allowed in the input data for any two rectangles, the projection of one on the x-axis does not enclose that of another 11/22/2018

10 An optimal solution of total similarity 25
An illustration Input: A G 15 G 2 C 1 C 10 T A A G C A C C An optimal solution of total similarity 25 11/22/2018

11 (n = number of rectangles (fragment pairs))
Previous results (n = number of rectangles (fragment pairs)) Bafna, Narayanan and Ravi (WADS’95) NP-complete O(n2) time approximation algorithm with approximation ratio 3.25 converts to a problem of finding maximum-weight independent set in a 5-clawfree graph gives approximation algorithm for (d+1)-clawfree graphs with approximation ratio of Halldórsson (SODA’95) approximation algorithm with approximation ratio of about 2.5 when all weights are one again uses clawfree graphs Berman (SWAT’00) O(n4) time algorithm with approximation ratio of about 2.5 via clawfree graphs again 11/22/2018

12 (Berman, DasGupta and Muthukrishnan, SODA’02)
Our recent results (Berman, DasGupta and Muthukrishnan, SODA’02) O(n log n) time approximation algorithm with approximation ratio 3 very simple to implement uses a 2-phase approach (or, equivalently, the local-ratio technique) Extensions to d dimensions (d > 2) Inputs are similarity measures of d fragments, one from each of given d sequences Motivation: multiple sequence comparison problems Generalization of our above approach: O(n d log n) time approximation algorithm with approximation ratio of 2d-1 current best (Bar-Yehuda, Halldórsson, Naor, Shachnai and Shapira, SODA’02): polynomial time algorithm with approximation ratio 2d uses repeated linear programming and continuous version of local-ratio techniques 11/22/2018

13 Common substructure between protein structures
(work in progress with Jie Liang and Andrew Binkowski) Comparison of 2 4-helix bundles that differ by topological rearrangement, ROP and cytochrome b56 Topological cartoons of 1ROP and 256B. Helices are drawn as cylinders and loops as lines. Residue numbers of structurally equivalent segments are indicated on the cylinders. The alignment is non-sequential. 11/22/2018

14 Few interesting points:
Motivation: discovering similar substructures from different proteins is essential for recognizing remote evolutionary relationship at the level of protein fragments Few interesting points: it is not easy to characterize topological structures such as void, pocket, or tunnel where ligand and other molecules bind. Current computational tools do not perform very well on discovering similar substructures. For example: (a) protein structures are typically represented by distance matrices or contact maps, which record pairwise inter-distances between selected atoms (typically Cα atoms) on the primary sequences (b) finding common substructures becomes matching submatrices of the two contact maps (c) Heuristic algorithms have been developed and have proven to be useful. But, they are time consuming (typically O(n6)), and cannot be used for more demanding tasks such as identifying spatial functional motifs 11/22/2018

15 Our approach in work in progress
reduce the problem to various constrained rectangle-packing problems use combinatorial methods (such as the local-ratio technique) to design approximation algorithms for these problems Our final goal identification of the most discriminating geometric and chemical features and their combinations for various proteins development of a robust method to compute the similarity/dissimilarity of two shape distributions of these features 11/22/2018

16 Transformation based distances
Objects Transformation rules (with costs) 10 15 12 9 Goal: find distance between two specified objects 10 15 9 cost = = 34 10 12 cost = = 22 distance between and is 22 11/22/2018

17 Distances between Phylogenetic trees
Objects: Evolutionary trees (phylogenies) on n nodes Transformation Rules: How to modify trees locally consistent with biological applications? 11/22/2018

18 inferring phylogenies
Why compute distances between phylogenies ? First motivation parsimony method compatibility method compare them for similarity and discrepancy input data maximum-likelihood method distance matrix method different methods for inferring phylogenies 11/22/2018

19 Why compute distances between phylogenies ?
Second motivation To find out information about rare genetic events such as recombination or gene conversion recombination gene conversion 11/22/2018

20 Few distances that we have looked at......
Nearest neighbor interchange (nni) distance Linear cost subtree transfer distances Synopsis of our works on these distances proving that exact solution is NP-hard providing fast approximate solutions investigating fixed-parameter tractability some implementation works ..... 11/22/2018

21 order of genes in any chromosome is unknown or ignored
Genomic Distance Syntenic distance between multi-chromosome genomes (Ferretti, Nadeau and Sankoff, 1996) treats genomes at a higher level of abstraction chromosome gene 4 9 3 6 10 8 1 5 7 2 order of genes in any chromosome is unknown or ignored intra-chromosomal events (e.g., reversal, transposition) do not affect chromosomal assignment inter-chromosomal events are important 11/22/2018

22 Inter-chromosomal events Fission Fusion
1 2 3 5 2 1 3 5 4 4 1 4 2 3 5 1 4 2 3 5 (Reciprocal) translocation 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 11/22/2018

23 Syntenic distance between two genomes
minimum number of fission, fusion and translocations necessary to transform one genome to another Other related problems finding the median of 3 genomes for the syntenic distance metric (useful for phylogentic tree inference problem from synteny data) Synopsis of our work on these problems showing NP-hardness of exact computation giving efficient approximation algorithms exhibiting fixed-parameter tractability 11/22/2018

24 Genome partitioning with applications to DNA microarray chip design
Other problems...... Genome partitioning with applications to DNA microarray chip design Consensus sequence reconstruction problems 11/22/2018

25 THE END 11/22/2018

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