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Fingerprint Identification

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Presentation on theme: "Fingerprint Identification"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fingerprint Identification
Minutiae Patterns Project

2 Step 1: Saving this document
Click on icon in top left corner Click on “save as” Save on your M drive as “insert last name” minutiae project

3 Minutiae Patterns to identify and label in fingerprints

4 Procedure for each fingerprint
Label the cores and delta using the insert shape option (see example slide) Label 5 different points of identification using the insert  shape tools and label each one with a number using a line and a text box (see example slide) Create a legend for the 5 points and ID each type of point AND state the specific type of fingerprint pattern assume all fingers are from your left hand

5 Example Core Delta

6 For example… 1 2 Island ridge (or short ridge) Bifurcation

7 Print 1

8 Print 2

9 Print 3

10 Print 4

11 Print 5

12 Print 6

13 Print 7

14 Grading Rubric For each print TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 56 pts
Label cores and deltas (2 pts) Name specific type of fingerprint (1 pt) Label 5 different minutiae (5 pts) Attempt to find all types at least once in project TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 56 pts

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