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Compton effect and ThomX What possible future?
Alessandro Variola (LAL Orsay) Compton effect and ThomX What possible future? IN2P3 Les deux infinis
ThomX source: CBS Source demonstrator
Cycle = 20 msec RF Pulse = 3 ms Energy = MeV Laser and FP cavity
1) Compton effect Compton backscattering
The Project Compton backscattering - CBS is by far the most efficient photon energy booster (bumper cars effect !!!) wdiff=4g2 wlaser, ThomX => g~100 => we can obtain high energy photons by means of a relatively low energy electron accelerator => compact and cheap - Thomson cross section is ‘weak’: cm2 Tunability : laser / linear - beam energy / quadratic Small accelerators: from X to g rays. Large application possibilities The whole spectrum is emitted Temporal characteristics given by the ‘space-time’ geometry of the collision point
2) Compton Effect - Directivity = > f= 1/g around the electron propagation Energy vs Angles => diaphragm = monochromaticity (%). ATTENTION: monochromaticity/brillance is a convolution of different effects: aperture angle, beams energy spread, emittances and b*, Rayleigh length, laser intensity - Polarization if needed - Backscattered photon (cut off) => collision angle dependence (factor 2)
Light source 1) Flux !! Average and instantaneous 2) Bandwidth
3) Coherence 4) Divergence (small..but also bigger) Short pulses Temporal resolved pulse (multibunch) Directivity (painting… see 4) Tunability
CBS source parameter : Frep
Collision Repetition Frequency High average flux Configuration MHz, 100 kHz Electrons : Laser : Ring High average power laser SC Linac FP cavity ERL The collision frep has a strong impact on other hidden parameters too. For example, the FP cavity mirrors diameters…(the cavity has l~frep, and l is proportional to the waist and therefore to the beam spot on the mirrors…).
ERL: As linac but 2 IP possible (push-pull), no DUMP problems
Ring / Re-use the beam: ‘Classical technology’, easy to integrate, multi Ips, very high frep, cost Compton Dynamics [En spread %], IP access, Operations, Radioprotection, Bandwidth f(ring) [%] SC Linac: High frep, short pulses, low emittance (low charge), IP access, Bandwidth Technology integration, Source, DUMP (Radioprotection), single X line, expert operation ERL: As linac but 2 IP possible (push-pull), no DUMP problems Cost and expert operation C.Bruni
CBS source parameters, Frep
Collision Repetition Frequency Low average flux High Instantaneous flux Configuration 100 Hz, 10 kHz Laser: Electrons: High peak power laser Warm Linac Regenerative cavity (~ 2J integrated in 100 pass) or re-circulator (0.n J 20 pass)
1 bunch per train: High power laser (J/Hz)
Linac : 2 operation modes 1 bunch per train: High power laser (J/Hz) Up to 10 nC. En spread and emittance proportional to the charge/bunch. Therefore, when the charge increases (instantaneous flux), the bandwidth is affected (reduction of the brilliance). Time resolved experiments. Head on collisions possible !!!!! Multibunch per train: High power laser + cavity (100mJ/n 10 pass/ n 10 Hz) Band dependent (L,S,C,X). Bunches: from 20 to 100 per train. Charge n 100 pC (nC S/L). High brilliance High charge, short pulses, very low emittance and energy spread, IP access, Bandwidth Technology integration, Source, DUMP (for train operation) (Radioprotection), single X line, expert operation C.Bruni
Sources characteristics, Summary
LINAC+ LASER RING+ FP CW SC LINAC + FP CW ERL LINAC+FP Charge Up to 10 nC 1 nC N 100 pC Frep Pulsed 100Hz N 100 puse/train More than 10exp8 10exp7-10exp8 Emittance 1-2 p mm mrad Eq emittance. Proportional to f laser and b* ~ 7-8 p mm mrad 7-8 p mm mrad En spread ~0.1% Eq energy spread. Proportional to SQRT f laser and g Less than % Bunch length 1-2 ps Equilibrium …Few ps. The more you reuse it, the longer the bunch 3-4 ps 3-4ps Beam dump Not a problem Depends on injection-extraction frep. In principle no problem. Problem (n 100 kW) Same problems, but not for ERL Cavity Regenerative / multipass recirculator Fabry Perot Laser Linked to the frep and pulsed or not… See VUV FEL Fiber - YAG Number of possible Compton collisions 10exp4 > 10 exp8 10 exp8 < Current Micro amps > mAmps ~ 10 mA Power needed ($) and cost Low Average Medium High (cryoplant) Needed R&D Multipass cavities Yes for all components Yes for the cavities and the FP cavities+laser FP cavities+laser GUN RF DC+RF
X ray characteristics LINAC+ LASER RING+ FP CW SC LINAC + FP
CW ERL LINAC+FP Average Flux * / ** (multibunch) **** *** Peak flux ** Bandwidth Short pulses Temporal resolved pulse (multibunch) Directivity (painting) * Tunability Cost Operations and integration
ThomX. What possible extensions for the future?
The Thomx choice (storage ring) is the result of a compromise among flux, cost and integration constraints. But in ThomX we have: A second IP A Linac up to 70 MeV (50 baseline) Extraction line up to 70 MeV (50 baseline). Energy spread and emittance deteriorated So what other solution or option can be implemented to provide other X rays beams characteristics?
The multi-line ThomX 2 1 3 1) Second IP
- It can be just a second IP. Slight modifications on the injection line to extract the X. It is inside dipoles. CSR mm waves. Integration of a p/2 collision geometry. The spectrum cut off is ½ but we have very short pulses (n 10 fs) 2) Linac, changing the gun laser. Single pulse (3 nC) on a high power laser (~ J) at low Frep (n Hz). Peak brilliance and time resolved experiments Trains with multibunch. Good bandwidth with diaphragms. Good average flux (no diaphragm) Short pulse (less than ps) in head on collision (full energy cut-off) Extraction line 2 1 3
Conclusions THOMX is an ‘open future’ project !!!!!!!!!
- Compton effect can be used in different configurations - Target different users - From this point of view ThomX has some flexibility as far as the warm RF technology is concerned - Three new users line are possible: New IP End of Linac Extraction These lines can provide photons for a different ‘kind’ of experimental techniques not aiming at a high average flux : High peak brilliance Short pulses mm waves Time resolved experiments THOMX is an ‘open future’ project !!!!!!!!!
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