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Foundation for Revolution (GT)

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1 Foundation for Revolution (GT)
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2 English Bill of Rights Expanded Magna Carta Further limited Monarchy Rights John Locke English 3 natural rights Life Liberty Property Social contract People and the government Protect the people’s rights Change it or overthrow it Declaration of Independence Montesquieu French Separation of powers 3 branches Constitution Colony Increase its wealth Financial Religion New life Plymouth Pilgrims Mayflower Magna Carta King of England 1215 1st limit Basic rights Trial by jury Tax Parliament Enlightenment Great ideas

3 Seven Years’ War British victory East of the Mississippi River Expensive American Revolution British colonies Independence Democratic republic British government Limited monarchy George III Parliament Law-making Congress Patriots Independence Loyalists Tories Neutral Patriots’ reactions Boycott Refusal British goods Repeal Petition Formal request Sons of Liberty Secret societies Samuel Adams One of the leaders Mayflower Compact Majority rule Self-government French and Indian War Britain v. France Native American allies Control of North America

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