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Kim Miller Oregon Department of Education
AMAO Calculations for Kim Miller Oregon Department of Education Oregon Department of Education 11/22/2018
Oregon Department of Education
Overview Reviewing AMAO District Preview Numbered Memorandum exclusions AMAO 1 Target AMAO 2A and 2B Targets Important AMAO reminder 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Department of Education
AMAO District Preview The ODE provides districts the opportunity to preview the final AMAO determinations, prior to the AMAO media release. ODE anticipates Mid-September District Preview The AMAO media release for the AMAO Report is October 1, 2012. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
How to view the District Preview
The ODE loads the AMAO District Preview into the ODE District Secure AYP/Report Card application. District staff must have a password to access the ODE District secure web site, AND District staff must have permission to view the AYP/Report card Application. Please contact the District Security Administrator if you do not have permission for this application. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Department of Education
District Preview The AMAO District preview data is only available for a limited amount of time. Districts are encouraged to download this data and keep a copy locally. Data provided in the district preview includes district AMAO determinations as well as school building-level data. Only District AMAO determinations are provided to the media, not school-level data. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Department of Education
AMAO Media Release The AMAO media release is provided to local newspapers, as well as announced on the ODE web page. District-level AMAO determinations are released. Districts must meet all three (3) AMAOs in order to have a determination of met. The AMAO media release is on 10/1/2012 at 12:01 am (just after midnight). This means the morning edition may include the AMAO district determinations. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Numbered Memorandum 007-2011-12 ELL participation in ELPA
During the school year, the ODE revised a previous ELPA participation memorandum. All eligible ELLs, who are enrolled during the official English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) testing window, are required to participate in the ELPA. Eligible students who did not participate in the ELPA, but were enrolled and present anytime during the official ELPA testing window, will be included in the district AMAO report as not making sufficient gains in proficiency as defined by AMAO1. AMAO1 measures whether students gain one or more proficiency level(s) annually. Identified ELL students who are enrolled and present anytime but do not participate in ELPA will be included in the denominator of the AMAO 1 calculation. Their gain will be included in the AMAO 1 numerator as a zero (0). The ODE defines the official ELPA testing window as the dates posted on the Oregon Statewide Testing Schedule, located in the Oregon Test Administration Manual: This policy regarding the ELL student participation in the annual ELPA ensures that Oregon is compliant with ESEA Title III rules and guidance. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Number Memorandum scenarios
ODE has outlined the AMAO 1 exclusion scenarios in the AMAO Manual 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 1 Target As part of ODE’s compliance with the final Notice of Interpretations (NOI), ODE reviewed current practices both in Oregon and across the U.S. This research has resulted in a revision to the AMAO 1 calculation and target. For , the new target for AMAO 1 is 57%. This target will increase annually. NOI dated Oct 17, 2008. Located at: 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 1 Targets School Year Percent of LEP Students Showing Progress toward Attaining English Language Proficiency 50% LEP students will move one proficiency level higher at the end of the school year which is 3% increase over baseline. 53% LEP students will move one proficiency level higher at the end of the school year which is 3% increase from the previous year. 57% LEP students will move one proficiency level higher at the end of the school year which is 4% increase from the previous year. 61% LEP students will move one proficiency level higher at the end of the school year which is 4% increase from the previous year. 66% LEP students will move one proficiency level higher at the end of the school year which is 5% increase from the previous year. The current year’s targets are over a baseline figure that was calculated , not over the previous year,. These calculations are new and the increase is not aligned with the previous’ years results. You will notice that over the next few years there is annual percentage increase that begins at 3% and grows to 5%/ 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 1 Numerator inclusion
Student must be identified as LEP/ELL in AND Identified as LEP in the LEP Collection for at least one of the previous three school years ( , , , , or ). The student must have a valid ELPA test score for , as well as a valid ELPA test score in any of the previous collection years where they were identified as LEP ( , , , , or ). In response to the NOIs, it is required that ODE calculate a gain when we have more than one data point. ODE is defining two data points as the two most recent adjacent scores. Students who have only one ELPA score (only participated in one assessment, are permitted to be excluded from this calculation. Go to Numbered Memorandum and AMAO manual for AMAO 1 enrollment scenarios – page 20 of manual 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 1 Numerator inclusion (cont.)
In order to having made a gain, a student must either: Have an average gain of 1 proficiency level per year of English language instruction since their most recent administration of ELPA; OR Scored a 5 on a previous ELPA and maintained a 5 on the ELPA; OR Be exited by the district as ‘proficient’. Students who have not made an average gain of 1 proficiency level per year of English language instruction or maintained a 5 on ELPA or exited will not be included in the AMAO1 numerator. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
IEP Students Inclusion Rule
If a LEP/ELL student has an IEP that exempts the student from all domains of ELPA, then the student is not included in the AMAO 1 numerator or the AMAO 1 denominator. This exemption is determined by the ELPA Test Administration Code E – being entered in Student Centered Staging by the District Test Coordinator. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Questions on AMAO 1 Numerator inclusion rules
11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 1 Denominator inclusion rules
To be included in the AMAO 1 Denominator for a student must: Be identified as LEP/ELL in the LEP Collection AND Be identified as LEP/ELL in any of the following LEP Collections ( , , , , ). OR Exit as proficient in For example, a student new to the program in who scores as proficient and exits the same school year as entering the ELD program. This exit applies only to students who have only one ELPA score and are only in the LEP Collection. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 1 Denominator inclusion rules (cont.)
A student identified as 3-H (ineligible) on the LEP Collection, regardless of being identified as LEP/ELL on any previous LEP Collection is not included in the AMAO 1 Denominator. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 1 Denominator inclusion rules (cont.)
A student identified as LEP/ELL on the LEP Collection, but is not included in any previous LEP Collection as being identified as LEP, they are not included in the AMAO 1 Denominator, unless the student exited for proficiency in An example of this exclusion is a students who is enrolled as Kindergartener in This student has only participated in one ELPA assessment and has only been reported to the LEP collection. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Questions on AMAO 1 Denominator inclusion rules
11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 2 Targets In keeping with the Notice of Interpretations (NOI) for Title III, ODE has revised the calculations for AMAO 2. AMAO 2 will have two separate calculations: AMAO 2 A % of the total ELL population achieve proficiency; AND AMAO 2 B % of the ELL population being identified for five or more years achieve proficiency. Districts will need to meet both AMAO 2A and AMAO 2B targets to meet AMAO 2 The current year’s targets are over a baseline figure that was calculated not over the previous year. The baseline figure comes from actual ODE statewide data. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Percent of all LEP Students Attaining English Language Proficiency
AMAO 2 A Targets School Year Percent of all LEP Students Attaining English Language Proficiency 14% of LEP students will attain proficiency at the end of the school year which is 1.5% increase over baseline/ 15.5 % LEP students will attain proficiency at the end of the school year which is 1.5% increase from the previous year. 17.0% LEP students will attain proficiency at the end of the school year which is 1.5% increase from the previous year. 19% LEP students will attain proficiency at the end of the school year which is 2% increase from the previous year. 21% LEP students will attain proficiency at the end of the school year which is a 2% increase from the previous year. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 2A Denominator inclusion rules
To be included in the AMAO 2A Denominator a student must: Be identified as an LEP/ELL student in the LEP Collection. AMAO 2 is a calculation that includes all ELL students in the state. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 2A Numerator inclusion rules
To be included in the AMAO 2A numerator a student must: Be identified as an LEP/ELL student in the LEP Collection. AND Have a valid LEP Exit Date during the school year. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 2 B Targets School Year Percent of LEP Students Having Five or More Years in an ELD Program Attaining English Language Proficiency 22% % of LEP students will attain proficiency at the end of the school year which is 2% increase over baseline. 24.0% of LEP students will attain proficiency at the end of the school year which is 2% increase from the previous year. 26.5% of LEP students will attain proficiency at the end of the school year which is 2.5% increase from the previous year. 29.0% of LEP students will attain proficiency at the end of the school year which is 2.5% increase from the previous year. 32.0% of LEP students will attain proficiency at the end of the school year which is 3% increase from the previous year 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 2B Denominator inclusion rules
To be included in the AMAO 2B Denominator a student must: Be identified as an LEP/ELL student for five or more years and be in the LEP Collection. AMAO 2B includes only ELL students who have been identified for five or more years. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
AMAO 2B Numerator Inclusion Rules
To be included in the AMAO 2B numerator a student must: Be identified as an LEP/ELL student for five or more years and be in the LEP Collection. AND Have a valid LEP Exit Date during the school year. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Questions on AMAO 2 inclusion rules
11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Questions on AMAO calculations for 2011-12
11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Important AMAO Reminder
Districts need to send AMAO parent notification letters within 30 days of receiving notice of the district’s AMAO rating. ODE is requiring districts to provide ODE a copy of the AMAO letter sent to parents. The copy must include the date the letter was sent and a signature. Please submit a copy of each language provided to parents. Please send a copy of the letter(s) sent to parents to Leslie Casebeer ) by November 15, 2012. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Department of Education
RESOURCES AMAO documents and statewide determinations are located on the ODE AMAO web page. AMAO manuals and determinations for , , , and are available. As inclusion rules and policies are subject to change, please refer to the appropriate year’s manual when reviewing determination. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Title III Improvement plan training
Districts who have not met AMAOs for two consecutive years ( and ) are required to: Develop an improvement plan. Address the factors that prevented the district from meeting the AMAOs in the district’s improvement plan. This year, districts who do not meet AMAOs (based on the data) will be required to review, evaluate, and revise curriculum, program, and methods of instruction that prevent the district from meeting AMAOs. Training for districts entering 2-year Title III improvement status is via Webinar on October 11, 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Improvement Plan Training (cont.)
A district is identified in district improvement when it has failed to meet all criteria (overall rating) of AMAOs for four or more consecutive years. Districts MUST fulfill 4-year improvement requirements listed below, and those under the 2-year improvement plan listed above. Districts who have not met AMAOs for four consecutive years ( , , and ) must submit a Title III Improvement Plan that addresses the federal requirements listed below. Title III regulations require the state to: Require the LEA to modify the curriculum, program, and methods of instruction; OR Make a determination on the continuation of funding; AND Require such entity to replace educational personnel relevant to the entity’s failure to meet such objectives. Title III 20 USC 6842(b) (4) (A) (B) (i) (ii) Training for districts entering 4-year Title III improvement status is via Webinar on October 12, 2012. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Improvement Plan due dates
Two-year Title III Improvement Plans are due November 13, 2012 Four-year Title III Improvement Plans are due November 30, 2012 These plans are implemented during the school year. 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Department of Education
Contact Information Kim Miller – Education Specialist (503) Carmen West – Education Specialist (503) Leslie Casebeer – Office Specialist 11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Department of Education
11/22/2018 Oregon Department of Education
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