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Political Unity of Mongols in 1265

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1 Political Unity of Mongols in 1265
YUAN CHINA Political Unity of Mongols in 1265 Extreme disagreement, difference of opinion, and a general lack of unity… Core vs. Peripheral Areas of Mongol Empire Core – local definition; cultural coherence; benefits of trade system(s); drained of wealth (heavy taxation); technologically behind Peripheral – integrated in trade system (increased flow of information and wealth); increased local leadership; increase in external alliances

2 YUAN CHINA Who were Yuan’s (1279-1368)
Led by Kublai Khan (Genghis Khan’s grandson) Constructed a capital at Beijing and Shangdu Unified the 3 states in China (Tanggut, Jin, and Song) Preserved characteristics of Chinese government (Confucianism) while making some innovations (tax farming)

3 YUAN CHINA Social Classes
Mongols used a hierarchical system of legally defined status groups Defined by race and function: Mongols Central Asians & Middle Easterners Northern Chinese Southern Chinese Merchants and doctors > Confucians

4 Cultural and Scientific Exchange - Medicine
YUAN CHINA Cultural and Scientific Exchange - Medicine Exchange of scientific, technological, and mathematical knowledge between China and Iran Il-khans and Yuan's had good relations and common economic systems China imported astronomy, algebra, trigonometry, Islamic and Persian medical texts, seeds, and math formulas

5 Effects on Urban/Rural China
YUAN CHINA Effects on Urban/Rural China Effects on ports & cities: Prospered – trade recovers Merchants flourish and organize corporations Urban culture – popular entertainment, vernacular literature, Mandarin dialect Rural Areas: Cotton production systems Irrigation systems constructed Overtaxed, brutalized, and dams neglected

6 YUAN CHINA Population Changes
Chinese population declines by 40 percent! Northern China sees the greatest loss of population Yangtze Valley sees an increase Reasons for loss: Warfare Flooding of Yellow River Migration Spread of disease (Plague)

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