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By: Maddalyn Jensen Cassidee Cunningham Tyler Parkinon

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1 By: Maddalyn Jensen Cassidee Cunningham Tyler Parkinon
Armenian genocide By: Maddalyn Jensen Cassidee Cunningham Tyler Parkinon

2 Where did it take place? The genocide took place in Armenia; Ottoman Empire and The Republic of Turkey

3 When did it take place? It took place in

4 Who was killed? Almost the entire Republic of Turkey was killed by the Ottoman Empire. Almost half million Armenians died between Over a million were deported in Hundreds and thousands were butchered. Others died of starvation, exhaustion, and epidemics.

5 Who Did the Killing? The Ottoman Empire

6 Why Did the Ottoman Empire decide to kill the Armenian?
The Ottoman Empire was a Muslim empire. The people of Armenian were converting to Christian and caused a split. The Ottoman Empire started killing the people of Armenian.

7 How many people were killed
1.5 Million people were killed.

8 What methods were used to kill?
The Armenians were forced into death marches, labor camps without food, water, or shelter. They were also disarmed and shot.

9 When was it declared a genocide?
The Turkish Government declared this event as a genocide when they realized that the Armenians were being targeted and killed in the masses. The starting date of the genocide is conventionally held to be April 24, 1915, the day when Ottoman authorities arrested some 250 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders in Constantinople.

10 How did the international community react?
To date, twenty different countries have officially recognized these events as a period of genocide. The United States was officially a neutral party until it joined with the Allies in 1917.

11 Could anything have been done to stop it occurring?
I don’t think anything could have been done to stop the genocide because the Ottoman Government targeted out the Armenians along with other minority groups for extermination.

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