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Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Introduction A firm that can restrict output to raise market price has market power Microsoft (95% of operating systems) and Campbell’s (70% of tinned soup market) are giants in their industries Have maintained their dominant position for many years Why can’t existing rivals compete away the position of such firms? Why aren’t new rivals lured by the profits? Answer: firms with monopoly power may eliminate existing rivals prevent entry of new firms These actions are predatory conduct if they are profitable only if rivals, in fact, exit e.g., R&D to reduce costs is not predatory Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Evolution of market structure
Evolution of markets depends on many factors one is relationship between firm size and growth Gibrat’s Law begin with equal sized firms each grows in each period by a rate drawn from a random distribution this distribution has constant mean and variance over time result is that firm size distribution approaches a log-normal distribution Very mechanistic no strategy for growth Including strategic decision making affects distribution but not conclusion that firm sizes are unequal What about the facts in the market place? Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Monopoly power and market entry
Several stylized facts about entry entry is common entry is generally small-scale so small-scale entry is relatively easy survival rate is low: >60% exit within 5 years entry is highly correlated with exit not consistent with entry being caused by excess profits “revolving door” reflects repeated attempts to penetrate markets dominated by large firms Not always easy to prove that this reflects predatory conduct But we need to understand predation it if we are to find it Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Predatory conduct and limit pricing
Predatory actions come in two broad forms Limit pricing: prices so low that entry is deterred Predatory pricing: prices so low that existing firms are driven out Outcome of either action is the same—the monopolist retains control of the market Legal action focuses on predatory pricing because this case has an identifiable victim a firm that was in the market but that has left Consider first a model of limit pricing Stackelberg leader chooses output first entrant believes that the leader is committed to this output choice entrant has decreasing costs over some initial level of output Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
A limit pricing model By committing to output Qd the incumbent deters
entry. Market price Pd is the limit price A limit pricing model Then the entrant’s residual demand is R1 = D(P) - Q1 These are the cost curves for the potential entrant With the residual demand R1, the entrant can operate profitably. Entry is not deterred by the incumbent choosing Q1. $/unit Then the entrant’s marginal revenue is MRe R1 At price Pe entry is unprofitable The entrant’s residual demand is Re = D(P) - Qd The entrant equates marginal revenue with marginal cost MCe Pd Assume instead that the incumbent commits to output Qd ACe Assume that the incumbent commits to output Q1 Pe D(P) = Market Demand Re MRe Quantity qe Qd Q1 Qd Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Limit pricing Committing to output Qd may be aimed either at eliminating an existing rival or driving out a potential entrant. Either way, several questions arise: Is limit pricing more profitable than other strategies? Is the output commitment credible? If output is costly to adjust then commitment is possible why should this property hold? could be claimed to be ad hoc to support the theory even if it holds, is monopoly at output Qd better than Cournot? may not be if the entrant’s costs are low enough Credibility may relate output to capacity Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Capacity expansion and entry deterrence
For predation to be successful and rational the incumbent must convince the entrant that the market after the entrant comes in will not be profitable one How can the incumbent credibly make this threat? One possible mechanism install capacity in advance of production installed capacity is a commitment to a minimum level of output the lead firm can manipulate entrants through capacity choice the lead firm may be able to deter entry through its capacity choice but is this credible? capacity must be costly to install and should be irreversible Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
The Dixit model Consider a two-stage game incumbent in period 1 installs capacity capacity K1 costs r.K1 to install in second period incumbent can produce up to K1 at unit cost w capacity can be expanded in period 2 at additional cost r per unit capacity cannot be reduced in period 2 potential entrant in period 2 observes incumbent’s capacity choice to enter and produce incumbent needs capacity K2 which costs r.K2 unit cost of production is w note: entrant will never install unused capacity if entry takes place firms play a Cournot game in the second period Market demand: P = A – B(q1 + q2) Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
The Dixit model 2 Costs for the incumbent are: C1 = F1 + w.q1 + r.K1 for q1 < K1; marginal cost w C1 = F1 + (w + r)q1 for q1 > K1; marginal cost w + r Costs for the entrant are: C2 = F2 + (w + r)q2 ; marginal cost w + r Standard Cournot analysis gives the best response functions: q*1 = (A – w)/2B – q2/2 when q1 < K1 q*1 = (A – w – r)/2B – q2/2 when q1 > K1 q*2 = (A – w – r)/2B – q1/2 provided that q*2 > 0 for the entrant to enter it must expect to cover the sunk costs F2 this implies a lower limit on the output that the entrant must make Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
The Dixit model 3 q2 The incumbent’s best response function has a break in it at K1 L’ The entrant’s best response function has a break where sunk costs are not covered N’ R’ R Equilibrium depends upon these two breaks N L q1 K1 Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
The Dixit model 4 q2 q1 L’ L N’ N R’ R Consider the possibilities Suppose that firm 2 enters Equilibrium must lie between T and V Where depends upon location of the break in R’R Firm 1’s output is greater than T1 and smaller than V1 T T2 V So capacity choice lies between T1 and V1 V2 T1 V1 Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
The Dixit model 5 q2 q1 L’ L N’ N R’ R T V T2 T1 V2 V1 Now suppose that firm 2 does not enter Must be that it cannot break even at output less than T2 Then firm 1 would want to choose capacity M1 this is the monopoly output with MC = w + r M1 is actually the Stackelberg output level for firm 1 firm 1 as market leader will never choose output and capacity less than M1 S M2 M1 Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
The Dixit model 6 q2 q1 L’ L N’ N R’ R T V T2 T1 V2 V1 M1 M2 S Suppose that the break in the entrant’s best response function lies at BL in R’T Incumbent chooses capacity M1 and entry is deterred Suppose that the break in the entrant’s best response function lies at BS in TS BL BS Incumbent chooses capacity M1 and entry is deterred BL Suppose that the break in the entrant’s best response function lies at BL in VR Incumbent chooses capacity of Stackelberg leader output M1 and entry is accommodated Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
The Dixit model 7 Now suppose that the break in the entrant’s best response function lies at B* in SV q2 q1 L’ L N’ N R’ R T V T2 T1 V2 V1 M1 M2 S Incumbent can choose to install capacity of Stackelberg leader output and share the market Or install capacity B1 and maintain monopoly in the market B* Choice depends upon relative profitability B1 If B* is “close to” S then use capacity to deter entry If B* is “close to” V then accommodate entry as Stackelberg leader Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Capacity expansion and entry deterrence 2
An example: P = Q = (q1 + q2) marginal cost of production $60 for incumbent and entrant cost of each unit of capacity is $30 firms also have fixed costs of F incumbent chooses capacity K1 in stage 1 NOTE: incumbent will always produce at least K1 in production stage—otherwise it throws away revenue that could help cover the cost of installed capacity entrant chooses capacity and output in stage 2 firms compete in quantities in stage 2. Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Entry may not occur entrant’s costs are too high blockaded entry not predatory Entry may be accommodated entrant’s costs are low incumbent takes advantage of its being first in the market but does not deter Entry may be strategically deterred strategic deterrence profitable for the incumbent installs excess capacity as an entry-deterring strategy uses a credible commitment Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Evidence on predatory expansion
Some anecdotal evidence Alcoa evidence that consistently expanded capacity in advance of demand Safeway in Edmonton evidence that it aggressively expanded store locations in response to potential entry DuPont in titanium oxide rapidly expanded capacity in response to to changes in rivals’ costs market share grew from 34% to 46% Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Introduction of Predatory Pricing
Charges of predatory conduct are not new Microsoft is only one of the latest goes back to the days of Standard Oil more recent examples of predatory pricing Wal-Mart AT&T American Airlines But they face problems of credibility price low to eliminate rivals then raise price so why don’t rivals reappear? Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Predatory pricing: myth or reality?
Theoretical and empirical doubts predation is generally not subgame perfect without uncertainty regarding the incumbent return to this below McGee’s argument that predation is dominated by another strategy merger is more profitable than predation so predation should not happen take an example two period market inverse demand P = A – B(qL + qF) qF is output of leader and qF is output of follower leader is a Stackelberg quantity leader both leader and follower have constant marginal costs of c Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
An example of predation
At the Stackelberg equilibrium leader makes (A – c)2/8B follower makes (A – c)2/16B if the leader were a monopolist it would make (A – c)2/4B Suppose that the leader predates in period 1 sets output (A – c)/B to drive price to marginal cost follower does not enter leader reverts to monopoly output in period 2 but the follower does not enter aggregate profit is (A – c)2/4B Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
An example of predation 2
Suppose instead that the leader offers to merge with the follower in period 1 monopoly in both periods aggregate profit (A – c)2/2B so the leader can make a merger offer that the follower will accept Merger is more profitable than predation but: merger may not be allowed by the authorities monopoly power what if there are additional potential entrants? may enter purely in the hope of being bought out Main point remains: threat of predation has to be credible if it is to work Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Predation and imperfect information
Suppose that the entrant faces financial constraints must borrow to finance entry Entrant also faces uncertainty pre-entry faces some probability of “low” returns private information that can be concealed from bank incentive to misrepresent bank must then enforce removal of funding if low returns are reported Incumbent then has incentive to take actions that increase probability of failure Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Asymmetric information and limit pricing
The preemption “games” are ways of resolving the Chain-store paradox indicate that it is rational for incumbents to make investments that are not profitable unless they deter entry An alternative approach: information structure suppose that an entrant does not have perfect information about the incumbent’s costs if the incumbent is low cost do not enter if the incumbent is high-cost enter does a high-cost incumbent have an incentive to pretend to be low-cost - to prevent entry? for example by pricing as a low-cost firm Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
A (simple) example Incumbent has a monopoly in period 1 Threat of entry in period 2 Market closes at the end of period 2 Entrant observes incumbent’s actions in period 1 These actions determine whether or not to enter in period 2 Incumbent is expected to be high-cost or low-cost no direct information on costs entrant knows that there is a probability p that the incumbent is low-cost Need to specify pay-offs in different situations Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
The Example 2 Incumbent profits in period 1 (in $million) low-cost firm acting as low-cost monopolist: $100m high-cost firm acting as high-cost monopolist: $60m high-cost adopting low-cost monopoly price: $40m Incumbent profits in period 2 if no entry, profits according to true type if entry occurs: low-cost incumbent: $50m high-cost incumbent: $20m Entrant’s profits in period 2 competing against a low-cost incumbent: -$20, competing against a high-cost incumbent: $20m Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
The Example 3 Incumbent: = 80 Entrant: 20 Enter High Price Incumbent: = 120 Entrant: 0 E3 Stay Out High-Cost Incumbent: = 60 Entrant: 20 I1 Enter Low Price Nature E4 Incumbent: = 100 Entrant: 0 Stay Out Low-Cost I2 Enter Incumbent: = 150 Entrant: -20 Low Price E5 Incumbent: = 200 Entrant: 0 Stay Out Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
the entrant enters if the incumbent is high-cost
With uncertainty and a low price the entrant does not know if he is at E4 or E5 With no uncertainty the entrant enters if the incumbent is high-cost The example 4 Nature High-Cost Low-Cost I1 I2 High Price Low Price E3 E4 Enter Stay Out Incumbent: = 80 Entrant: 20 Incumbent: = 120 Entrant: 0 Incumbent: = 60 Entrant: 20 Incumbent: = 100 Entrant: 0 E5 Incumbent: = 150 Entrant: -20 Incumbent: = 200 Entrant: 0 Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
The example 3 Consider a high-cost incumbent high price in period 1 - entry happens, profits are 80 low price in period 1 - if no entry profits are 100 low price in period 1 - if entry profits are 60 A high-cost incumbent has an incentive to pretend to be low-cost The entrant knows this So a low-price of itself will not deter entry it is not a true signal of the incumbent’s type Only the probability that low-price means low-cost deters entry Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
The example 4 Consider the profits of the entrant given that the incumbent sets a low-price in period 1 if the incumbent is high-cost - profit is 20 with probability 1 - p if the incumbent is low-cost - profit is -20 with probability p so expected profit is 20(1 - p) - 20p = p Will the entrant not enter when it sees a low price? Only if p > 1/2 Only if there is a “sufficiently high” probability that the incumbent is low cost. Provided that pretence is expected to work a high-cost incumbent has an incentive to set a limit price Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Limit pricing and uncertainty
Monopoly power can persist even if the incumbent is high-cost Entry only takes place if entrants believe that the incumbent is high-cost so entry is more likely when incumbents are expected to be weak entry then consistent with exit: efficient entrants drive out inefficient incumbents Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Limit pricing and uncertainty 2
Note: the model shows how a high-cost firm can deter entry. However, to do this it must set a low price. This is how it “fools” the would-be entrant. The threat of entry forces the incumbent to price below the monopoly price it would otherwise set This lower limit price therefore mitigates the resource misallocation effects of monopoly. Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
Predatory Conduct and Public Policy
The evidentiary requirements for prosecuting predatory pricing cases are high Pricing below cost The predator had a reasonable expectation of recouping the losses Very hard to distinguish predation from other pro-competitive behavior Hard to measure marginal cost Learning curves, network effects, and other externalities Chapter 9: Entry Deterrence and Predation
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