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IoT and AI Lalit Bhatt Nuro Technologies

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Presentation on theme: "IoT and AI Lalit Bhatt Nuro Technologies"— Presentation transcript:

1 IoT and AI Lalit Bhatt Nuro Technologies

2 IoT – Nature of Data processing
Sensors everywhere Ability to process data in real time Storing the data for long term analytics

3 IoT and AI

4 Characteristic of Data
Nature of Data: Volume Variety Velocity Veracity Technical challenges are manifold Need to process it and make sense of it. React quickly In Technical jargon Latency Throughput Fault tolerance

5 IoT – Standard Architecture
Remember Security Things Edge Cloud Configuration May or may not be present. Acts as a Gateway. May provide local controls also User Management Application and Storage Device Management Apps Storage API Endpoints Controller Analytics Sense Act Machine Learning

6 IoT – Major Vendors Microsoft Azure IoT IBM Watson IoT Amazon AWS IoT
GE Predix PTC ThingWorx

7 AWS IoT Scalability is not an issue Message Broker Rules Engine Thing
Lambda Message Broker RDS Rules Engine Thing S3 Amazon DynamoDB There are more services that can be hooked like AWS ElasticSearch Amazon SNS Amazon SQS

8 AI dilemma Learning vs Self Learning
Can machine self learn or is it still learning extrapolated? What will happen when machine will really start self learning

9 Roger Penrose: Shadows of Mind
Penrose hypothesizes that: Human consciousness is non-algorithmic, and thus is not capable of being modelled by a conventional Turing machine type of digital computer. Source :

10 AI – Artificial intelligence
There are known knowns; there are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- there are things we do not know we don't know. Donald Rumsfield

11 Promise of IoT with AI Smartness in everything in world.
At what level it’s possible Insights: Descriptive Predictive Prescriptive Use Cases Smart Homes – Comfort, Security, Alerts Predictive/Prescriptive Maintenance – Risk Management

12 IoT with AI DATA

13 IoT with AI – Reference Architecture

14 AWS IoT – AI AWS ML AWS Rekognition AWS Polly AWS Lex
AI Platforms and Services AWS ElasticSearch AWS DynamoDB AWS RDS S3 Glacier STORAGE INFRASTRUCTURE AWS Greengrass AWS IoT Analytics AWS Kinesis Stream AWS Lambda SQS PROCESSING INFRASTRUCTURE

15 Questions

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