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Upcoming changes to the DMX technical standard

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1 Upcoming changes to the DMX technical standard
SDMX Global Conference 2-5 October Addis Ababa Prepared by: Juan Muñoz López SDMX Technical Working Group (SDMX-TWG)

2 VTL (Validation and Transformation Language)
VTL lets incorporate the exchange of validation and transformation rules to the exchange of data and metadata, so you can assure data accuracy and correctness and calculate derived data. VTL 1.0 was published in 2015 A new improved version will be published by the end of 2017 After publishing this version the task team will continue making improvements and adding new operations Implementations of the language are planned to be developed Current Technical Specification documents can be found in:

3 Code List Extensions A Data Structure Definition (DSD) contains the Code Lists that describe possible values for the Dimensions. If you modify a code-list contained in a DSD you will need to define a new one. Some code lists are very dynamic, so managing DSD versions could be quite complicated. A task team composed by members from the TWG and from the SWG is working on implementing a way to let manage most common changes to code lists without needing to define a new DSD. This work will derive in some adjustments to the SDMX Information Model, but the task team is taking care to keep compatibility with current version

4 SDMX-JSON Format JSON which stands for JavaScript Object Notation, is a standard language (RFC 4627) based on JavaScript which is supported by the main Web Browsers (Chrome, Edge, Fire Fox, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.) A SDMX-JSON format makes easier to create appealing visualizations of dataflows, improving the dissemination process The format specification has been publicly reviewed and it is in a final adjustments period to be delivered A draft version of the format can be found in: message.pdf

5 SDMX-CSV Format Comma Separated Values (CSV) is a standard format (IETF RFC 4180) widely supported by almost all commercial tools used in the statistical community. An SDMX-CSV format will improve interoperability and make easier using the information for different purposes. As CSV is a light weight format it is easier to exchange large amounts of information, one required step for the exchange of microdata. SDMX Information Model addresses weakness of the CSV format. DSD provides the tools to maintain a well defined (and interpretable) dataflow. On September 15th 2017 the public review of the specification ended, and now the task team is working on improving it by applying received feedback. Current proposal can be accessed in:

6 SDMX RESTful web services API specification (version 1.2.0)
Web Services are essential for Machine to Machine (M2M) communication, they provide a way to directly connect applications and exchange information in an automated way SDMX supports two kinds of Web Services: SOAP which are based on XML messages RESTful which are based on HTTP requests The new version lets retrieve a single hierarchy within an hierarchical codelist, and several improvements to the documentation. Documentation, tutorial and list of changes can be obtained from:

7 Technical priorities Attention to the SDMX 2020 roadmap actions
Providing solutions to technical issues impeding SDMX implementation Extending usefulness of SDMX for different sceneries (new and emergent) Maintaining SDMX relevant in the context of new technologies and user needs: OpenData, Big Data, IoT, geo-referencing, etc. Fitting the standard into the statistical modernization projects and making it suitable to be inside the statistical standards ecosystem Improving technical documentation Maintaining a close relation with the conceptual development of the standard to ensure adequate support Maintaining technical integrity and compatibility of the technical standards

8 Contact:

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