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What is a (Bach) Cantata

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1 What is a (Bach) Cantata

2 The term 'cantata', invented in Italy in the 17th century, refers to a piece of music written for voice or voices (cantare) and instruments.  By Bach's time ( ), cantatas were generally works that contained several movements or distinct sections with tempo and key changes.

3 When a cantata is sung and What is sung
generally sacred works based on Biblical texts, or sometimes on choral texts from the previous century. These types of cantatas were usually performed during a Lutheran church service. The Lutheran church services during the early 18th century were lengthy by our standards – running close to three hours including readings, a sermon, and hymn (chorale) singing “sacred libretti” These texts are often constructed as 'spiritual dramas' that often dissect a Biblical passage or explore a theological concept through individual arias and recitatives

4 How is a Bach Cantata named? BWV 107 - "Was willst du dich betrüben
Catalogue Number: BWV 107 Cantata Title Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (abbreviated BWV) The numbering has nothing to do with either the date of composition or the liturgical calendar, but rather reflects the order in which they were cataloged in 1950 by Wolfgang Schmiede The first line of the libretto’s text by Johann Heermann, 1630: Was willst du dich betrüben, (O meine liebe Seel?) OR Why do you wish to trouble yourself, (O my beloved soul?) OR Don’t worry. Be happy!

5 The Cantata's relationship to the Lutheran Chorale (Hymn)
These chorales were very familiar to Bach’s congregation, and he employed them in the vast majority of his cantatas. The most common use of chorales was as a conclusion to the piece, generally in a four-part harmonization where the tune would be prominently audible.  The Cantata's relationship to the Lutheran Chorale (Hymn) Many of the texts were authored by Martin Luther

6 BWV 107 Chorale Text: Lord, grant that Your honor, for all the days of my life, may grow in the depths of my heart, let praise and thanks be said to You! O Father, Son, and Spirit, Who out of pure grace have turned away suffering and pain, be always praised!

7 The Chorale Tune: “Von Gott will ich nicht lassen.”
From God I will never turn away” A Bach favorite Set as a Sicilliano, a rhythmic dance form that always has a special melancholy quality in Bach This tune with the original words was the subject of one of Bach's greatest organ chorale preludes, BWV 658 =aieXS06QiKk

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