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Totally Unbelievable Speaking Club

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Presentation on theme: "Totally Unbelievable Speaking Club"— Presentation transcript:

1 Totally Unbelievable Speaking Club
Lord Selkirk SD Margaret Stimson & Tom Stimson May 20, 2008

2 What is TUSC ? TUSC - What is it and why do kids and teachers love it?

3 Benefits of TUSC Develops the general learning outcomes of Language Arts Provides opportunities for inquiry and research Inclusive and allows for diversification [MI] Supports development of organizational skills Encourages learning with ICT

4 BDA: TUSC Meeting Before During TUSC Session After Establish roles
Assign roles Provide role guidelines Establish timing Set schedule Adapt Arrange facilities Seating Equipment Communicate with students Determine feedback/assessment tools & opportunities During TUSC Session After Assessment Shift role assignments This slide needs to be collapsed - Before

5 Roles TUSC Protopage A quick overview of specific roles
Closer look at a sample role - Ask an Expert Group Activity - Define a role

6 Technology Connections
LwICT- Quick Overview Linking TUSC and LwICT Closer look at technology skills in a sample role – Take the Monkey Group Activity- Make connections

7 Assessment 3rd Stage Rubric Self assessment/reflection Peer assessment

8 DVD Excerpt from a Grade 6 class

9 Conclusion Web supports for TUSC teachers E-mail Questions? Protopage
Customized search engines MMYA/TUSC wiki Questions?

10 The End

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