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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT WARM ACADEMIC MENTORING OMS 1 and OMS 2"— Presentation transcript:

Spring 2017

2 Dear Faculty, This year, the mentoring process has been simplified. We now have only one form for both first and second years. The process is as follows: Meet with your mentee before Friday, March 31st, 2017. Using Progress Intelligent Quotient (PIQ) review their academic performance, (John Ligda sent you instructions to log-in) Discuss their mentoring form (Student-filled sample here) Make them aware of resources and advice listed in the Mentoring Reference Guide Add your notes, sign (either electronic or paper copy) and return form to mentee. (Students have been instructed to upload their mentor forms into Progress IQ.)

3 Using Progress Intelligent Quotient (PIQ) review their academic performance (John Ligda sent you instructions to log-in)

4 Discuss their WARM mentoring form

5 Add your notes, sign (either electronic or paper copy) and return form to mentee. (Students have been instructed to upload their mentor forms into Progress IQ.) Student is doing well, triaged OPP a little but is aware of what she needs to do; will contact Dr. Xxx for further guidance. She is also struggling a bit in Pharm but has met with Dr. XXXX and will refine her study method. Does not need to see Jill Alban for now. She is in good spirits, has great family and social support.

6 Make your mentees aware of resources and advice listed in the Mentoring Reference Guide
Student scenario Resources and Recommendations: Student has psychological, behavioral or health problem. Student should be reassured and offered TU services; for behavioral or psychological problems, student should use Health Counseling services (Drew Scott or Marcia Greene), Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services and students’ own health insurance services. Do not issue medical diagnoses. If severe or acute issue, use TU Distressed Student Protocol. Students on LOA: May be eligible to keep TU health insurance. Any student who is registered for 6 or more units in a term is eligible for the insurance. If however, LOA means that students are not registered for the required units in any given term, they are not eligible for the insurance. Student has a disability. Student has accommodation but not satisfied with how implemented. Students should request accommodations according to ADA regulations. Students should apply for COMLEX accommodations at the end of the first year. Refer to Dr. Binkerd or Dr. Velasco Accommodated students: Ms. Carrillo sends out an updated list every couple of weeks. Instructors and respective AAs implement accommodations.  Complaint against the student for potential disruptive or unethical behavior or action. Document in writing and discuss with Professionalism Committee Chair (Dr. Riemer) if there’s merit in the accusation and whether a formal Professionalism Report should be submitted. Let Department Chair, respective Associate Dean and Dr. Binkerd know. For egregious alleged criminal, bullying or sexual harassment actions contact school emergency line and police in addition to administrators and Professionalism Committee. Professionalism Committee will take proper actions and inform advisor within confidentiality boundaries. Student complaint against faculty, staff or administration Student has the right to file a complaint before Associate Dean of Student Services (Dr. Binkerd), Department Chair or Deans without fearing adverse consequences to academic progress. Student is academically struggling, is preparing for COMLEX If due to behavioral or health issues, see above. If due to study skills, time management, exam taking strategies or similar issues, student should visit TU Learning Specialist (Jill Alban), discuss weaknesses and strategies with Course Coordinator and instructors, or be referred to SPC. If students meet SPC criteria, they will be scheduled to meet (and mentor may be invited to attend) with SPC, even if not referred by mentor. If in need of tutoring services, refer to Jill Alban. For Boards Prep resources, refer to SPC; for Clinical Distinction, refer to Dr. Garcia-Russell. Review Student Handbook policies. Student needs excused absence, time off or LOA Refer to Dr. Velasco. LOA students must develop a comeback plan showing how they keep up with and improve knowledge and skills as well as how they address the issue motivating the LOA. Refer 3rd and 4th year students to Dr. Garcia-Russell.  Academic implementation or curriculum issues. Refer to Dr. Hartwig.

7 Remind your mentees to visit THANK YOU!


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