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How Populations Grow Ch 5.1.

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Presentation on theme: "How Populations Grow Ch 5.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Populations Grow Ch 5.1

2 Population Density and Distribution
Population density: the number of individuals per unit area Different species have different population densities Population distribution: refers to how species are spaced out Randomly Uniformly Clumped

3 Population Distributions
Random Purple Lupines (flowers) Uniform King Penguins Clumped Striped Catfish

4 Factors Affecting Population Growth
Birth Rate / Death Rate birth rate = death rate: population stays the same high birth rate and low death rate: population increases low birth rate and high death rate: population decreases Immigration v. Emigration immigration: species move into the range of the population emigration: species move out of the range of the population

5 Exponential Growth Under ideal conditions with unlimited resources, the population will continuously grow (exponential growth) Exponential growth: the larger the population gets the faster it grows

6 Logistic Growth Logistic growth: when a population’s growth slows and then stops after exponential growth The population has reached its carrying capacity, or the maximum number of species an ecosystem can sustain

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