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Ignominious: involving a total loss of dignity and self-respect, and making somebody or something appear shamefully weak and ineffective.

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Presentation on theme: "Ignominious: involving a total loss of dignity and self-respect, and making somebody or something appear shamefully weak and ineffective."— Presentation transcript:

1 ignominious: involving a total loss of dignity and self-respect, and making somebody or something appear shamefully weak and ineffective / deserving condemnation and contempt

2 ignominious ig-nuh-min-ee-uh s

3 ignominious Related Forms: ignominiousness (noun) ignominy (noun)
ignominiously (adverb)

4 ignominious Synonyms: degrading disgraceful dishonorable shameful
despicable ignoble humiliating embarrassing reprehensible

5 ignominious Mortified by his ignominious behavior, the
little boy buried his head in the sand. ignominious

6 ignominy Committing an act of ignominy makes us feel as if we have egg on our face.

7 ignominious Many people believe that full body scans or pat searches at airports are ignominious invasions of their privacy.

8 ignominious In The Scarlet Letter, the scarlet “A” that Hester wears was designed to remind her of her ignominious behavior.

9 ignominy The little girl’s ignominy
was written all over her face after she ate the cherry pie without permission.

10 ignominy ignominy makes conscionable people feel small The stigma of
when they are caught doing something wrong red-handed.

11 Even dogs know when they are behaving ignominiously.

12 ignominiously The man ignominiously accepted punishment for his
opprobrious behavior ignominiously

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