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Transcription Regulation

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1 Transcription Regulation
Ayo Technology Bacteria Entropy…Yippee!! Gellin’ Viruses In Those Genes 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000



4 This is the primary carbohydrate that is used within the gel
agarose Back

5 These are used in order to cut the DNA in the right area before it is inserted into the well plate
Restriction enzymes Back

6 This liquid is used in order to assist in the conduction of electricity within the gel chamber
buffer Back

7 This is the electrical cord that is closest to the wells where the DNA is inserted, while this is the electrical cord that is on the opposite side Cathode, anode Back

8 These are the restriction enzymes that were utilized within our lab
Eco RI, Lamb III Back

9 This be what don’t stop, gets it, gets it, when it binds to mRNA in microarrays
cDNA Back

10 This technique is new age, different from microarrays, and helps amplify DNA samples
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Back

11 Insulin is what these can make and make if you can control the genes inside of bacteria
Bacterial plasmids Back

12 Spotlights don’t do this justice, only fluorescence is used in order to use this technique
Microarray assays Back

13 We’re not tired of using this technology which involves the use of radioactive probes to help identify proteins Southern blotting Back

14 Normal cell cycles are regulated by the presence of these
Growth factors Back

15 In order to have an enhanceosome, these two components must come together
Activators, enhancers Back

16 The transcription initiation complex assembles at this region of the eukaryotic gene
promoter Back

17 Triggering the cell cycle to continue
Genes that are transcribed as a result of the RAS cell cycle are responsible for this Triggering the cell cycle to continue Back

18 An inactive p53 gene would most likely result in this
cancer Back

19 These are the two life cycles that viruses undergo
Lytic, lysogenic Back

20 This is the protective capsule found on the outside of a virus
capsid Back

21 This is the enzyme that assists HIV and allows it to replicate
Reverse transcriptase Back

22 This is the process where a virus injects its DNA into a bacteria and hydrolyzes the host’s DNA
Generalized transduction Back

23 Viruses trick to host into helping it to perform these three processes
Replication, transcription, translation Back

24 Conjugation, transformation, transduction
These are the three processes of DNA exchange that involve bacteria Conjugation, transformation, transduction Back

25 These are segments of DNA that move to a different location along the genome
transposons Back

26 This is a form of DNA that can be transferred from one bacteria to another bacteria
plasmid Back

27 Transposons can allow for this to take place
Antibiotic resistance Back

28 The boundaries for transposons in bacteria are known as these
Inverted repeats Back

29 A histone can be wound up into these structures within chromatin
nucleosome Back

30 Histones fold DNA to form these areas
nucleosomes Back

31 These can affect the structure and function of other proteins
proteosome Back

32 Adding these two chemical groups can alter DNA
Methyl groups, acetyl groups Back

33 Antibodies contain these two regions; one in which the genes remain the same, and the other where they are subject to change Constant region, variable region Back

34 This technology require specific primers in order for it to be successful
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Back

35 This is the enzyme that helps to fill in the gaps within a sequence when utilizing bacterial plasmids DNA ligase Back

36 Transformation, ampicillin
This is the process that was used in our lab to try to give resistance to this particular compound Transformation, ampicillin Back

37 This is the study of protein structure, while this is the process of working to create transgenic organisms Proteomics, genetic engineering Back

38 Altering your particular genome would be this process, while this field of study would also need to be done to figure out the sequence of your genome Gene therapy, bioinformatics Back

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