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Adding Integers Welcome to the world of integers! You are about to investigate 3 different ways to add integers. Use the “Left Arrow” to go back one page.

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Presentation on theme: "Adding Integers Welcome to the world of integers! You are about to investigate 3 different ways to add integers. Use the “Left Arrow” to go back one page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adding Integers Welcome to the world of integers! You are about to investigate 3 different ways to add integers. Use the “Left Arrow” to go back one page. Use the “Right Arrow” to go forward one page. Use the “Home” to go to the main menu. “Left Arrow” “Home” “Right Arrow”

2 What are Integers? Integers are just whole numbers
Numbers like 1 or 2 Even like 2,153 Integers can be negative Like -3 or -5 Even -3,403,69 Integers are not decimals or fractions Not 4.5 or Not 1/2 or 3/4 Not negative decimals or fractions Not -2.3 or Not -4/5 or -5/8

3 When are Integers Used? We use integers when we deal with temperature. Especially when it’s really cold. We use integers when we use dollars. Have you ever “owed” anyone money before? We will use integers a lot when we deal with algebra and graphing. They help us navigate when we are on a grid. A lot of computer software use integers in their programming. Ever thought about being a video game designer?

4 Adding Integers with a Hiker
Imagine you are a hiker standing on a number line.

5 The 3 Things you NEED to know
The Starting Number The Direction to face How much to Walk

6 Starting Point The first number in an addition problem is your starting point This is where you, the hiker, will stand Example

7 = ? Starting Point

8 Direction to Face The operation symbol tells us which direction to face. Addition: Face Positive Subtraction: Face Negative Example

9 = ? Direction to Face negative positive

10 Where to Walk The last number tells us how many spaces to walk
Positive: Walk Forwards Negative: Walk Backwards Example

11 = ? Way to walk Backward 4

12 Last Step Literally… where did you end up on the number line?
This is your final answer Example

13 = -1 Ending Point

14 -5 + 6 = ? Now you give it a try…
1. Given this equation, which hiker is in the correct starting place? = ?

15 No, that’s not it… = ? Starting Point

16 Very Good! Next. Using the same equation, which direction should you face? = ? negative positive

17 No, that’s not it… but why?
Addition: Face Positive Subtraction: Face Negative Hint: Look to see if there is a plus sign or a minus sign between numbers

18 Yes! Good One! What should the hiker do next?
a.) move forward 6 spaces b.) move backwards 6 spaces c.) move backwards 5 spaces

19 No he shouldn’t… Remember: = ? Backward 4 Way to walk

20 You’re on a roll now… …but where should the hiker end up?

21 Not there… Remember, we moved forwards 6 spaces.

22 Precisely… You seem to have mastered the hiker’s movements. Try the problem on the next page to see if you can visualize all three steps to get the right answer. BEWARE, if you answer incorrectly you will be directed to the beginning slide.

23 Final Question = ? a.) 15 b.) -3 c.) 3 d.) -15

24 Congratulations You did it! You have now completed this portion. Click on the right button to end your journey, or click on the Home button to return to the Main Menu

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