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Combinatorial approach to Guerra's interpolation method

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1 Combinatorial approach to Guerra's interpolation method
David Gamarnik MIT Joint work with Mohsen Bayati (Stanford) and Prasad Tetali (Georgia Tech) Probabilistic Techniques and Applications, UCLA October, 2009

2 Erdos-Renyi graph (diluted spin glass model) G(N,cN)
N nodes, M=cN (K-hyper) edges chosen u.a.r. from NK possibilities K=2

3 Erdos-Renyi graph (diluted spin glass model) G(N,cN)
N nodes, M=cN (K-hyper) edges chosen u.a.r. from NK possibilities K=3

4 Combinatorial models on G(N,cN)
Independent set: Partial q-Coloring: Ising model, Max-Cut, K-SAT, NAE-K-SAT

5 Combinatorial models on G(N,cN)
Optimization (ground state, zero temperature ¯=1 ): Largest independent set, largest number of properly colored edges, Max-Cut, Max-K-SAT, etc. Gibbs measure (positive temperature) 0<¯< 1 :

6 Open problem. Groundstate limits
Does the following limit exist?.. Wormald [99], Aldous and Steele [03], Gamarnik, Nowicki & Swirszcz [05], Bollobas & Riordan [05], Janson & Thomason [08] Yes … for K-SAT and Viana-Bray model. Franz & Leone [03], Panchenko & Talagrand [04]. Use Guerra’s Interpolation Method leading to supper-additivity

7 Open problem. Groundstate limits
They show the existence of the limit for finite ¯ and then take ¯!1 What about other models, such as multi-spin (Coloring)? Direct proof for optimal solution (¯ =1)? Guerra’s interpolation method was used by F & L and T & P to prove that RS and RSB are valid bounds on the limit. Guerra’s interpolation method was used by Talagrand to prove validity of the Parisi formula for SK model.

8 Results. Groundstate limits
Theorem I. The following limit exists for all models (IS, Coloring, Max-Cut, K-SAT, NAE-K-SAT) Remarks For the case of independent sets this resolves and open problem W [99], A & S [03], B & R [05], J & T [08] The proof is direct (¯=1), combinatorial and simple

9 Results. Groundstate limits
Corollary (satisfiability threshold). For Coloring (K-SAT, NAE-K-SAT) models there exists c* such that, w.h.p., The instance is nearly colorable (satisfiable) when c<c* Linearly in N many edges (clauses) have to be violated when c>c* . Remarks For K-SAT already follows from F&L [03] Connections with the Satisfiability Conjecture.

10 Results. Free energy limits at positive temperature
Theorem II. The following limit exists for all models (IS, Coloring, Max-Cut, K-SAT, NAE-K-SAT) for all 0<¯<1 Remarks For K-SAT already done by F&L [03] Open question for ¯< 0

11 Results. Large deviations limits
Theorem III. The following limit exists for all models Coloring, K-SAT and NAE-K-SAT Namely if the probability that the model is satisfiable (colorable) converges to zero exponentially fast, it does so at a constant rate.

12 Proof sketch. Largest indepent set in G(N,cN)
IN – largest independent set in G(N,cN) Claim: for every N1, N2 such that N1+N2=N The existence of the limit then follows by “near” supper-additivity .

13 Interpolation between G(N,cN) and G(N1, cN1) + G(N2, cN2)
G(N,t) Fix 1· t· cN . Generate cN-t blue edges and t red edges Each blue edge u.r. connects any two of the N nodes. Each red edge u.r. connects any two of the Nj nodes with prob Nj /N, j=1,2.

14 t=0 (no red edges) : G(N,cN)
Interpolation between G(N,cN) and G(N1, cN1) + G(N2, cN2) t=0 (no red edges) : G(N,cN)

15 t=cN (no blue edges) : G(N1, cN1) + G(N2, cN2)
Interpolation between G(N,cN) and G(N1, cN1) + G(N2, cN2) t=cN (no blue edges) : G(N1, cN1) + G(N2, cN2)

16 Claim: for every t=1,…,cN Proof:
G(N,cN,t+1) is obtained from G(N,cN,t) by deleting one blue edge and adding one red edge Let G0 be the graph obtained after deleting blue edge but before adding red edge. Then G(N,cN,t+1)= G0+ red edge. G(N,cN,t)= G0+ blue edge.

17 Claim: for every graph G0 ,
Proof: Let I* be the set of nodes which belongs to every largest I.S. in G0 G0 I* Observation:

18 Proof (continued): G0 I1* I* I2* >

19 Large deviations limits for satisfiability (colorability)

20 END

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