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Happy Are The Hungry Matthew 5:5; Psalm 42:1-4.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Are The Hungry Matthew 5:5; Psalm 42:1-4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Are The Hungry Matthew 5:5; Psalm 42:1-4





6 DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. What does it mean for a person to hunger and thirst for righteousness? (Matthew 5:6) Just as the body craves food and water and can’t live without either, we should have the same drive to pursue and live out the righteousness of God.

7 DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. How does unrighteous living lead to chronic dissatisfaction?

8 DISCUSSION GUIDE 3. What are people hungering and thirsting for more in our society than righteousness?

9 DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. What/who must be our standard of righteousness?
The Bible and Jesus.

10 DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. What are the implications when we decide the standards in the Bible are outdated and cultural?

11 DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. Outline the principles of hunger and thirst in (Psalm 42:1-4). Just as we hunger and thirst physically we should spiritually We must relentlessly pursue God Righteous living should be our obsession

12 DISCUSSION GUIDE 7. How obsessed are you with living a righteous life for a holy God?

13 Principles for Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness
DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. Look up the following passages and complete the chart below. Principles for Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness (Matthew 22:37) Love the Lord with every facet of your life (Hebrews 4:12) Allow God’s Word to guide your every move (1 John 1:9) Confess your sin and accept His forgiveness (Ephesians 5:18) Be filled with the Holy Spirit (James 4:7-10) Call on God to deliver you (Matthew 15:18) Garbage in – Garbage out (Romans 8:1) Live in victory (1 Timothy 4:7-8) Live a disciplined spiritual life (James 5:16) Be accountable to other Christians

14 DISCUSSION GUIDE 9. In which of the above principles do you need to improve?

15 DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. What steps can you take this week to pursue righteousness?

16 DISCUSSION GUIDE 11. What promise is found at the end of (Matthew 5:6)? You will not find satisfaction with things pursued in this world but if you pursue the things of God you will find satisfaction.

17 How to Hunger and Thirst
Action Step #1 Look Up! Action Step #2 Lighten Up! Action Step #3 Loosen Up! Action Step #4 Lift Up!

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