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San Francisco Bay Area Council Officer Training vTools Overview

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1 San Francisco Bay Area Council Officer Training vTools Overview
January 27, 2018 Taylor Winship Santa Clara Valley Section Secretary

2 Returning / New Officers
Agenda: Sessions 1 and 2 10:00 – 10:30 vTools (part 1): Access, Voting, and Officer Reporting 10:30 – 11:00 vTools (part 2): Event Creation and L31 Reporting SAMIEEE Basics January 23, 2018 T Winship, SCV Section Secretary Page 2 of 8

3 T Winship, 2017-18 SCV Section Secretary
IEEE vTools vTools Overview vTools Voting vTools Officer Reporting IEEE Event Finder vTools Events (Meetings) SAMIEEE The “v” in vTools is for volunteer. These are a set of applications developed for us, the volunteers of IEEE. You can see from this menu that there are quite a few vTools. We’ll only cover a few of them today. We go over Voting, Officer Reporting, Events Reporting, IEEE Events Finder, and SAMIEEE. January 23, 2018 T Winship, SCV Section Secretary Page 3 of 8

4 T Winship, 2017-18 SCV Section Secretary
Home page: Quick Links The “v” in vTools is for volunteer. These are a set of applications developed for us, the volunteers of IEEE. You can see from this menu that there are quite a few vTools. We’ll only cover a few of them today. We go over Voting, Officer Reporting, Events Reporting, IEEE Events Finder, and SAMIEEE. January 23, 2018 T Winship, SCV Section Secretary Page 4 of 8

5 T Winship, 2017-18 SCV Section Secretary
vTools Tutorials TUTORIALS On the vTools webpage, you’ll see information about tutorials. I’ve found these tutorials to be very good and can recommend that you use them to learn to use the vTools you need. January 23, 2018 T Winship, SCV Section Secretary Page 5 of 8

6 T Winship, 2017-18 SCV Section Secretary
vTools Tutorials vTools Events On the vTools webpage, you’ll see information about tutorials. I’ve found these tutorials to be very good and can recommend that you use them to learn to use the vTools you need. January 23, 2018 T Winship, SCV Section Secretary Page 6 of 8

7 vTools Access Requirements
Active IEEE Active Soc or In Section (or Officer Member AG Member Cont Section Flag =Y) Role View Events in vTools View Events in Event Finder Create Events L31 Reports Vote in “Voting” Use SAMIEEE no restrictions no restrictions Access to vTools varies by application. Where verification (sign-in) is needed, it is usually based on your geographical location (e.g., Section, Region), and then on whether the person is an officer of an OU. Anyone can view vTools Events. Only IEEE members can create, search for, and view L31 reports. January 23, 2018 T Winship, SCV Section Secretary Page 7 of 8

8 vTool Overview – Summary
vTools were created BY IEEE volunteers FOR IEEE volunteers The vTools tutorials are helpful (see Home Page) Access varies from tool to tool Why use it? - Organizational Units (OUs) are required to report Chapter officers in vTools Officer Reporting, to inform IEEE who the current Chapter officers are. - Need to get officers into vTools because that’s where the data comes from for our LISTSERV lists. Who uses it? The Nomination/Election Committee Chair can update the vTools Officer Reporting, or it can be one of the officers. When to use it? Updates should be made by the end of Nov, w/Term-start Date set to Dec 1, to ensure the new officers are on the LISTSERV lists so they get notices (e.g., SFBAC Officer Training). How to use it? Let’s look at that using screen images. January 23, 2018 T Winship, SCV Section Secretary Page 8 of 8

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