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CCRS Implementation Team Meeting #2 November 2012

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Presentation on theme: "CCRS Implementation Team Meeting #2 November 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 CCRS Implementation Team Meeting #2 November 2012
Welcome participants to first quarterly meeting.

2 Outcomes for the Day Participants will:
Share plans for CCRS professional learning Gain deeper understanding of CCRS and ideas for professional learning Network and share best practices in job-alike groups Develop/refine their CCRS professional learning plans for their districts

3 Overview of the Day Agenda Registration Packet Note Taking Tool
Session Feedback Review Agenda & Packet (Talk through agenda/locations) Draw attention to note-taking tool (Emphasize that it will be used at the end of each session and will be used again in the Job Alike sessions) Future sessions developed based on feedback. (Survey Monkey will be used for this.) If you’ll notice, we don’t have scheduled breaks, so please feel free to take care of your own needs

4 How does it ALL fit together?
CIP Formative Assessment Professional Learning College and Career Ready Students EducateAlabama RTI A LOT of things happen in school. We, as leaders in schools, districts, and SDE, have to ensure that everything we do connects to our goals and to other “things” This is the new vision – a prepared graduate – one that is college and career ready. So, how do the “things” we do fit together to make that happen. CIP – Everyone should have a plan – they may not all look the same or be on the same template – but you should have a plan THAT YOU USE. Your CIP should address what and how you are moving to CCR. Teachers can only attend so much professional learning before they are in overload. You must make tough decisions over the next few years to ensure that professional learning is focused on this shift in content and shift in instruction that reflects CCR. EdAl provides an opportunity to make tight connections. A teacher’s PLP should indicate how they are learning more about the CCRS and how they are making that change in their instruction. Your observations could/should be focused on this. Really implementing RTI so it is a part of the instructional process. Our students are going to have to be scaffolded to achieve this new goal. You all know that formative assessment can make the most significant impact on student learning IF it is used – used by the teacher and the student – use the formative assessment tools we have provided for you (Global Scholar and/or QualityCore) or ones you already have or ones that teachers develop. Make it important and intentional. Again, it is our job as leaders to make sure our puzzle pieces fit together and to discard them if they don’t.

5 What are the SDE’s Roles and Responsibilities?
Provide districts the information, professional learning, and resources to support transition to new standards and assessment. We (all of us) have a big job ahead of us – all students graduating prepared – So, we have to consider what our roles and responsibilities are in order to achieve that. Here are the SDE’s responsibilities, as we see it right now, and I am sure we will add to this as time passes. But these are our guide as we try to serve you. Read #1

6 CCRS website CCRS Self Assessment Evaluation and Accountability
CCRS Team Professional Learning Alabama Insight Tool Global Scholar Summer Teaching Academies Regional Planning Team Regional Support Staff (RSS) Differentiated Support CCRS website CCRS Self Assessment Evaluation and Accountability Awareness Initiation & Implementa-tion Follow up/ Support We think of this responsibility in four phases. Awareness Initiation and Implementation Follow up and Support Evaluation and Accountability The white boxes contain resources that the SDE has either purchased, developed, or planned to assist districts and schools in the implementation of standards and transition to CCR. BRIEFLY describe each of the resources. State that this is one of the reasons for these meetings, is to share these resources.

7 What are the SDE’s Roles and Responsibilities?
Ensure alignment of policies and structures to support transition: *Aligned assessments *Flexibility of reading coach *CIP flexibility *Differentiated Support and Accountability *Diploma Read slide. You might state that we have not accomplished all of these things, but we do have A RESPONSIBILITY to review policies and structures and get them aligned.

8 What are the SDE’s Roles and Responsibilities?
Stay focused and ON MESSAGE! * Communicate, communicate, communicate! (Two way) * Partnership with organizations * CCRS website * Posted videos from Dr. Bice Read slide. Communication is always a challenge, but we will die trying! Emphasize that communication is two way and that we really mean that particularly during this transition year. Sometimes it may appear that we are just changing our minds, when actually changes are coming from input and feedback from all of you. Give examples of partnerships – CLAS, SSA, ASCD, Learning Forward

9 What are the District Leader’s Roles and Responsibilities?
Provide administrators and teachers the information, professional learning, and resources to support transition to College and Career Readiness. So, the SDE’s responsibility is to the district. So, what are the district’s responsibilities? Emphasize that if they don’t have a plan for using the information, professional learning, and resources with their schools, it may not get to the teachers – the ones who directly impact children. You might say that you know they have a lot on their plates and may be protecting teachers from being overwhelmed – totally understandable – but find a way to keep teachers informed.

10 What are the District Leader’s Roles and Responsibilities?
2. Ensure alignment of policies and structures to support transition. 3. Stay focused and ON MESSAGE! Like the SDE, you will have to review your policies and structures to make sure they support and don’t inhibit the transition to CCR. It is very hard to stay focused. But, it is necessary. Talk about that with your team this afternoon – how you can stay focused and on message.

How ? PROFESSIONAL LEARNING IS ESSENTIAL!! Instructionally focused on CCRS Teachers must work in community (PLCs) Provide time for collaboration Plan for support and coaching You must commit to effective professional learning. PLCs, Time, Support and Coaching, etc.

12 "Leadership effects on student learning occur largely because leadership strengthens professional community; teachers engagement in professional community, in turn, fosters the use of instructional practices that are associated with student achievement." Investigating the Links to Improved Student Learning: Executive Summary of Research Findings, July 2010, p. 10. Read slide. This is a huge meta analysis on effects of leadership on Student Learning

13 Absolutes During the Transition
Teach to the standards for each of the required subjects (Alabama College- and Career-Ready Standards - Courses of Study) So, Dr. Bice reminds that there are really five absolutes during this time of change. Read slide

14 Absolutes During the Transition
Through a clearly articulated and locally aligned K-12 curriculum (Sample curricula found on ALEX and Alabama Insight) Emphasize “locally”

15 Absolutes During the Transition
Supported by aligned resources, support, and professional development (Sample lesson plans and supporting resources found on ALEX, differentiated support through ALSDE Regional Support Teams and ALSDE Initiatives, etc.) Read slide

16 Absolutes During the Transition
Monitored regularly through formative, interim/benchmark assessments to inform the effectiveness of the instruction and continued learning needs of individual and groups of students (GlobalScholar, QualityCore Benchmarks, and other locally determined assessments) Use your assessments.

17 Absolutes During the Transition
With a goal that each student graduates from high school with the knowledge and skills to succeed in post-high school education and the workforce without the need for remediation as evidenced by multiple measures achieved through multiple pathways to meet the graduation requirements set for students in Alabama. (Alabama High School Graduation Requirements/Diploma)

18 All the resources from today are posted on the CCRS website
All the resources from today are posted on the CCRS website. Simply click on the _________________ button and you will be taken to the resources.

19 LEA Spotlights

20 Link will also be posted on
Survey Monkey Link Link will also be posted on For questions or comments about this training, contact Cindy Freeman at the information on the slide.

21 Send questions or comments to Cindy Freeman CCRS Rollout Coordinator For questions or comments about this training, contact Cindy Freeman at the information on the slide.

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