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August 31, th grade Mrs. Kuczek Mrs. Amoroso Mrs. Deain

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Presentation on theme: "August 31, th grade Mrs. Kuczek Mrs. Amoroso Mrs. Deain"— Presentation transcript:

1 August 31, 2017 5th grade Mrs. Kuczek Mrs. Amoroso Mrs. Deain
Curriculum Night August 31, 2017 5th grade Mrs. Kuczek Mrs. Amoroso Mrs. Deain Leslie

2 Topics for the Evening Include…
Social Studies Science & Outdoor Ed. Math Reading Writing SEL Specials Technology Growth Mindset Homework Progress Reporting/Grades Assignment notebook Take Home Folder Birthdays Communication Dismissal Procedure Classroom Teachers Leslie

3 Social Studies Revolutionary War Westward Expansion Civil War
Simulations etc. Leslie

4 Science and Outdoor Education
National Geographic Earth Science Planets, weather, and water cycle Life Science: Animal adaptations TAFT prep Human Health & Development (end of year) Physical Science: Force & Motion Online component & hands-on experiments Science Court Lauren

5 Math Origo Math 5 strands are implemented Mathematical practices
Number talks Flex grouping Problem solving Lauren

6 Reading Schoolwide Curriculum Reader’s Workshop Model Launch
Non-fiction Fiction Poetry Literacy Centers Guided reading Independent Reading Novel studies Abbey

7 Writing Schoolwide- Writer’s Workshop How Writer’s Write Essay Memoir
Biography Schoolwide- Grammar & Conventions Spelling- Words Their Way Please help your child double-check their work! Abbey

8 Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
Building Community Feelings Listening Assertiveness Problem Solving Diversity Making a Difference Catrina

9 Technology Chromebooks & iPads Textbooks accessible online
MyOn- online library Access it through Google Drive Parents can access password cards through home access Leslie

10 Orchestra & Band Students may have additional homework on orchestra or band days due to missed class time Lauren

11 Encourage a Growth Mindset

12 Abbey

13 Homework “Homework is part of the district’s instructional program and has the overarching goal of increasing student achievement. Homework is assigned to further a student’s educational development and is an application or adaptation of a classroom experience. The Superintendent shall provide guidance to ensure that homework: Is used to reinforce and apply previously covered concepts, principles, and skills; Is not assigned for disciplinary purposes; Serves as a communication link between the school and parents/guardians; Encourages independent thought, self-direction and self-discipline.” District’s homework policy (6:290) Catrina

14 Progress Reporting Report Card will be sent home three times a year
Report card envelopes need to be signed and returned The report cards are yours to keep Catrina

15 Assignment Notebook . Each student has an assignment notebook.
Assignment Notebooks will travel to other 5th grade classrooms for content areas and filled out at the end of each lesson. At the end of each day, students will have time to fill it out. . Leslie

16 Take Home Folder Keep at Home: Graded Assignments Announcements
Classroom Newsletter every other week ( ed) Return to school Homework Notes to teacher Signed forms/ permission slips Lauren

17 Birthdays and Snacks Edible birthday treats are no longer allowed district-wide. Non-edible items like pencils, erasers, etc. are permitted. Please send a healthy/nut-free snack and water bottle each day. Abbey

18 Communication Take Home Folder Sent home daily Newsletter
ed every other week Parent Teacher Conferences Sign-up Genius link will be ed Friday Catrina- Mention if you volunteer, you have to fill out a new form

19 Dismissal Procedure Students dismissed in 2 waves:
Wave 1 called at 2:50: Walkers and bikers, YMCA-after care, bus riders and after school programs/clubs. Walkers going west or the houses along the north grassy area may exit the back of the school and avoid crossing the North Staff Lot. Wave 2 called at 2:53: Circle drive vehicle pick-ups. Parents who walk up to wait for students to be dismissed will wait on the sidewalks by the circle drive ensuring the cross hatched section as a student and staff only zone—providing students a clear and safe route to walk out of the building. Front circle drive students waiting to be picked up: Students will line up by grade level. Younger students will wait with and in their oldest sibling’s grade level line. Students will face the circle drive and watch for their rides.

20 Teamwork! Let’s work together to make this a great year for your child!! Please proceed to your child’s homeroom: Kuczek- Rm 35 Deain- Rm 34 Amoroso- Rm 32 Leslie

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