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What is something you notice about any of these pictures?

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Presentation on theme: "What is something you notice about any of these pictures?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is something you notice about any of these pictures?
Good afternoon! Please pick up your folder and a vocab packet. Phones up for warm-up. What is something you notice about any of these pictures? What do you think all of these pictures have in common? Discuss with people around you!

2 Modern World Vocabulary Copy down the definitions for each word below
Modern World Vocabulary Copy down the definitions for each word below. Then, fill in your bingo card using the words only, not the definitions. Some words can be used twice. Principle of Nonalignment Pan-Africanism Peacekeeping Forces Ethnic Cleansing Nuclear Proliferation Discrimination Autonomous Bioterrorism Pan-Arabism Globalization Pandemic Intifada Multinational Corporation Greenhouse Effect Apartheid Sustainable Development HIV/AIDS Jurisdiction Corruption Civil Disobedience

3 Modern World Vocabulary Modified
1. Discrimination Autonomous Bioterrorism 2. Intifada Globalization Pandemic Apartheid Multinational Corporation Greenhouse Effect HIV/AIDS Sustainable Development Peacekeeping Forces Ethnic Cleansing Nuclear Proliferation Civil Disobedience

4 Modern World Vocabulary Quiz
A policy of killing or forcibly removing an ethnic group from its lands. The movement toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy. Refusal to obey laws that are considered to be unjust. A widespread outbreak of a disease. A militant movement that arose during the 1980s among supporters of the Palestine Liberation Organization living in Israel. A company with divisions in more than two countries. The spread of nuclear weapons production technology and knowledge to nations without that capability. The system of racial segregation in South Africa from the 1950s until 1991. Self-governing. Global warming caused by the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

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