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The following slides contain charts analyzing the number and percentages of men and women and AALANA and Non AALANA faculty. These percentages and numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "The following slides contain charts analyzing the number and percentages of men and women and AALANA and Non AALANA faculty. These percentages and numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 The following slides contain charts analyzing the number and percentages of men and women and AALANA and Non AALANA faculty. These percentages and numbers are shown first over RIT as a whole then broken down into subcategories. These subcategories include: YIR College NSF Designation NSF Indicators

2 Files NSF Indicator Data Table 1 – Gender, Rank, Dept 2010-2016
Z:\Political\NSF Indicators\Indicator Data 2017\NSF Indicator Data Table 1 – Gender, Rank, Dept Z:\Political\NSF Indicators\Indicator Data 2017\Table 1 – Gender, Rank, Dept Table 1 AALANA, Gender, Rank, Dept Z:\Political\NSF Indicators\Indicator Data 2017\Table 1 AALANA, Gender, Rank, Dept Table 4 – All Faculty YIR Z:\Political\NSF Indicators\Indicator Data 2017\Table 4 – All Faculty YIR Table 4 Assoc YIR Z:\Political\NSF Indicators\Indicator Data 2017\Table 4 Assoc YIR

3 Percent of women increased slightly but is due to a decrease in number of men, not an increase in number of women.

4 Among STEM colleges there have been slight changes in the percent of women T/TT faculty, The most significant being in GIS where it decreased 20% and KGCOE where it increased 8%. GIS has small numbers, but missed opportunity: Total faculty increased from 4 to 10, but only one additional woman out of 6 additional faculty. KGCOE experienced an increase of 7 women while total faculty decreased by 4.

5 It appears that most non-STEM colleges have seen some increase in women T/TT faculty apart from NTID which went down 3%. CIAS, COLA, and COB had an increase in the number of women and decrease in the number of men.

6 Slight increase in percent of women full professors
Slight increase in percent of women full professors. Women full professors increased by 7 while the number of male full professors decreased by 17.

7 SBS and Prof/Other has experienced an increase in the percent of women full professors. STEM has had no change and Non-S&E has decreased.

8 COS has the lowest percentage of women full professors and has experienced a decrease from 2010 to GCCIS had a decent increase in percentages as well due to 2 additional women at full professors and 3 fewer men.

9 CIAS,CHST, and Saunders had an increase in the percent of women full professors. COB has 0 women full professors in By 2016 that number increased to 2.

10 The percent of women associate professors that have YIR 7-9 had a large decrease from 2010

11 From 2009 to 2016 women associate professors that have YIR > 9 increased by percent. Men increased 19.64%

12 STEM colleges have a much more uneven distribution of men and women associate professors with YIR > 9 years than Non STEM colleges. Also for the numbers for both genders STEM seems to be increasing and Non STEM is decreasing

13 Men and Women with YIR > 9 in STEM colleges have increased from The number of men is considerably higher than women. But the percent increase in the number of women STEM associate professors in rank > 9 years is troubling

14 Men and Women in Non STEM Colleges with YIR > 9 has decreased and have stayed fairly close to each other.

15 Both genders seem to have an increase in Assoc professors with YIR > 9 years across almost all STEM colleges

16 Both genders seem to have a decrease in Assoc professors with YIR > 9 years across almost all non STEM colleges

17 Despite 2014 and 2015 the percentage of AALANA faculty has stayed relatively constant.

18 The percentage of AALANA faculty has increased from 2010 to 2016 for Associates and Professors.

19 The percentage of AALANA full professors for SBS and Prof/Other designations has increased. Prof/Other increased by 4 AALANA full professors.

20 The percentage of AALANA STEM and Prof/Other faculty increased from 2010 to 2016.

21 COSGIS experienced the biggest changes in the percent of AALANA faculty. COS had an increase while GIS had a decrease.

22 The percentage of AALANA faculty in COLA and CHST increased from 2010 to NTID and SCB both experienced decreases.

23 The percent of female endowed decreased from 2009 to 2013, and then started to increase from 2013 to 2015

24 The percent AALANA endowed has decreased from 2009 and was 0 in 2015 and 2016

25 The percent of female hires decreased from 2010 to 2012
The percent of female hires decreased from 2010 to It then began to increase after 2012

26 The percentage of AALANA hires has decreased from 2011 to 2016, showing a slight increase in 2015

27 The percentage of female faculty that were promoted has varied throughout the years but looks to be trending up after its fall in 2013.

28 The percentage of AALANA faculty that were promoted has varied throughout the years but looks to be trending down after its rise in 2014.

29 The percentage of females that received tenure has also been trending upwards

30 The percentage of AALANA faculty that received tenure has varied throughout the years and was zero in 2016.

31 The percentage of female faculty departures has stayed between 30 and 40 percent from 2010 to 2016

32 The percent of AALANA faculty departures has varied from 2009 to 2016 with no clear trend.

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