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Use your collage to discuss with a neighbor

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Presentation on theme: "Use your collage to discuss with a neighbor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Use your collage to discuss with a neighbor
What is psychology? Use your collage to discuss with a neighbor Definition: the scientific study of behavior and mental processes in both humans and animals

2 History Wilhelm Wundt Established Laboratory of Psychology
Made psych a formal field of study Approach to studying behavior: Structuralism

3 Goals of Psychology Description Explanation
Describe/gather info about behavior Explanation Explain why people/animals behave as they do

4 Goals (cont.) Prediction Influence
Use info to predict what subject will do, think, or feel in situations Influence Find out more & to benefit others

5 Turn-and-Talk Given a patient with suspected severe anxiety (sweating, rapid breathing, passing out occasionally), what factors might you consider when trying to learn more about their case or trying to assist them? List a few.

6 Modern Approaches Psychoanalytic Behavioral Humanistic Cognitive
Biological Sociocultural

7 Psychoanalytic Influences: Unconscious motivations; childhood experiences Characteristics: Free association, dream analysis, intensive case study Psychologists: Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler

8 Free Association Activity

9 Free Association Activity
Time Future Wild School Red Friend Happiness Love Sea Mountain Mother Yellow Fear Father Home Wrong

10 Behavioral Influences: Events in the environment (rewards and punishments) Characteristics: Involves observation and training Psychologists: BF Skinner, Ivan Pavlov, John Watson

11 Humanistic Influences: Individual choices; potential to achieve personal growth Characteristics: NOT controlled by their environment or unconscious factors Psychologists: Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow

12 Psychology Approaches

13 Cognitive Influences: Thinking process (process, store, and retrieve)
Characteristics: Behavior results from perceptions, memories & expectations Psychologist: Jean Piaget

14 Biological Influences: Biological factors (nervous system, hormones, and genetics) Psychologists: William James, Roger Sperry

15 Sociocultural Influences: Ethnicity, gender, culture, and SES
Characteristics: Shape attitudes, beliefs, values, social norms and roles Psychologist: Leonard Doob

16 On your chart… When studying human behavior & thinking, which approach do you agree with most? Explain why in 3-4 sentences. (Consider: methods, influence, etc.)

17 Applying the Approaches
Example Cases

18 Set up like Examples sheet, so someone else could try and answer
Create a Case Study With a partner, write your own case study applying each approach to the scenario. Set up like Examples sheet, so someone else could try and answer

19 What are different ways one could research a topic
What are different ways one could research a topic? Come up with at least 3 different methods.

20 Research Notes Read pages 36 (begin with “Pre-Research Decision” section) to 40 (end after “Experiment” section) Add key ideas, terms, and definitely the different research methods to your notes Include examples to help you understand what each method looks like

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