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Learning Objective: Today I will be able analyze the effects of the end of the Great War by summarizing the 14 Points. Agenda: Learning Objective Lecture.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objective: Today I will be able analyze the effects of the end of the Great War by summarizing the 14 Points. Agenda: Learning Objective Lecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objective: Today I will be able analyze the effects of the end of the Great War by summarizing the 14 Points. Agenda: Learning Objective Lecture Notes: Ch End of WWI Fourteen Points Exit Slip Were the treaties made in Versailles fair to all nations involved in WWI?

2 Treaty of Versailles Ends WWI
What was the purpose of the Treaty of Versailles? Analyze why is this treaty considered the unhappy compromise? How could the creators of the Treaty of Versailles have handled the end of WWI differently? Would history look differently? How so?

3 Title Notes: Ch. 13.4 End of WWI
Triple Alliance Germany Austria-Hungary Italy Central Powers Ottoman Empire Bulgaria Triple Entente Russia France Great Britain Allied Powers Italy U.S. VS.

4 Russia withdraws from WWI
Because of Russian Civil War Czar Nicholas steps down Vladimir Lenin took over. Communist Leader Second Battle of Marne Germans attack, reach Marne river, & very close to Paris. 140, 000 US fresh troops counterattack Germans. Armistice between France & Germany WWI Ends Nov. 11, 1918


6 Paris Peace Conference
Treaty of Versailles; June 28, 1919 Signed by Germany & Allies Treaty of St. Germain; Sep. 10, 1919 Signed by Austria & Allies Treaty of Neuillly; Nov. 27, 1919 Signed Bulgaria & Allies Treaty of Trianon; July 24, 1920 Signed by Hungary & Allies Signed Treaty of Sevres Treaty of Lausanne Signed on Aug. 10, by Ottman Empire (Turkey) & Allies Revised July 24, 1923

7 Big Four Leaders of the Allied Powers at Paris Peace Conference.
AKA, Council of Four Woodrow Wilson, US David Lloyde George, GB Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, Italy Georges Clemenceau, France (left to right) David Lloyde George, Vittoro Emanuele Orlando, George Clemenceau, & Woodrow Wilson.

8 Fourteen Points League of Nations Postwar plan
US President Woodrow Wilson’s suggestions for peace Create an international peace group, end secret treaties, free trade, reduce armies & navies, new borders, & self-determination. Most suggestions denied since France & GB wanted revenge. League of Nations International organization to keep peace among nations Created from Fourteen Points.

9 Germany guilt clause: Germany must take sole responsibility of war damages. Forced to pay allies $33 billion for reparations. Lost overseas lands Reduce & limit size of army.

10 Declarations on Other Treaties:
Central Powers give up imperial lands. Austria-Hungary & Ottoman Empire dissolved. Ottoman is now Turkey. Austria also responsible for war. New Independent countries: Hungary Czechoslovakia Poland Yugoslavia

11 4 Major Effects of WWI Germany became bitter
Economic depression in Europe Homes & farmland destroyed Faith on government was gone…


13 Fourteen Points (I DO, WE DO, YOU DO)
IX II X III XI IV XII V XIII VI XIV VII VIII Read Wilson’s “Point” Summarize in one sentence.

14 Fourteen Points- handout
IX II X III XI IV XII V XIII VI XIV VII VIII Read suggestions the teacher assigns to you. With your partner summarize the points in your own words, write clearly & use a complete sentence. Be ready to share your summary with the rest of the class.

15 Exit Slip If you were one of the Big Four, what terms would you have suggested in the Paris Peace Conference at the end of WWI? Explain the reasoning behind your suggestion. Sentence Starter: If I was one of the Big Four I would suggest…. because….

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