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Mental Status Assessment

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1 Mental Status Assessment
Physical Examination and Health Assessment N426 11/22/2018

2 Learning Objectives for Mental Health Assessment
Define the behaviors that are considered in an assessment of a person’s mental status Describe relevant developmental considerations of the mental status exam. State the purpose of a mental status exam. List the 4 components of mental status assessment. N426 11/22/2018

3 Objectives cont. Complete a MiniMental State Examination.
Discuss developmental considerations for infants, children and the aging adult N426 11/22/2018

4 Introduction Defining mental status
Assessment of an individual’s behavior Developmental considerations Components of the mental status exam Objective data N426 11/22/2018

5 Introduction Mini-mental state examination
Application and critical thinking Abnormal findings N426 11/22/2018

6 What Does Mental Status Mean to You?
Emotional and cognitive functioning N426 11/22/2018

7 Mental Disorder Definition of Mental Disorder Organic disorders
Psychiatric mental illness Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text N426 11/22/2018

8 Assessment of an Individual’s Behavior
Consciousness Language Mood and affect Orientation Attention Memory N426 11/22/2018

9 Assessment Cont. Abstract reasoning Thought process Thought content
Perceptions N426 11/22/2018

10 Developmental Considerations
Infants and children Aging adult Infants and children All aspects mental development are interdependent… at birth cerebral cortex not developed therefore conscious awareness is not present, the infant does not realize not a part of the Mom’s body. Review expected developmental milestones for children.The omission or lack of achievement of a milestone may be an indication for further exploration Abstact thinking (hypothetical situations) develops b/w ages 12-15yrs or not at all in some cases. Aging Adult No decrease in general knowledge or vocabulary Response time slower than in youth Longer for brain to process info and respond (not loss of intelligence) Recent memory-decreases with aging Remote memory –not affected Age related changes in sensory perception vision loss hearing loss Aging+loss(income,death,energetic body etc. )= potential for grief and despair which affects mental status Disorientation Disability Depression For the aging adult the set (FACT) test is used to assess mental status. _Name 10 items in each of 4 categories or sets ie. fruits, animals, colors, or towns Take into consideration sensory status and deficits ( eye glasses, hearing aids) N426 11/22/2018

11 Components of The Mental Status Exam
A……appearance B…….Behavior C…….Cognition T…….Thought processes Integrate exam into the health history interview Assess mental strengths and coping skills Screen for dysfunction Full mental status exam indicated if abnormality in affect or behavior detected Memory loss, inappropriate social skills Head trauma, tumor, CVA (Brain attack) Aphasia Psychiatric mental illness Note in health history: illnesses(alcohol,kidney), medications education and behavioral level responses to questions…stresses, socialization.sleep habits,drug and alcohol use. N426 11/22/2018

12 A……for Appearance Posture Body movements Dress Grooming and hygiene

13 N426 11/22/2018

14 B…….For Behavior Level of consciousness Facial expression Speech
Mood and affect Awake, alert responds appropriately to stimuli Expression appropriate to situation with comfortable eye contact (except when against cultural norm) Conversation, effortless, appropriate, clear and understandable Body language and facial expression…ask direct questions “How are you feeling” Is the response appropriate? N426 11/22/2018

15 N426 11/22/2018

16 C…….For Cognitive Function
Orientation Attention span Recent memory Remote memory New learning Time, Place, Person ( organic brain disorders…ie delirium and dementia usually lose time, then place but rarely person ?complete thoughts without wondering….easily distracted….inability to follow a series of directions Use 24 hr diet recall or ask question you can corroborate Past events…health, job, historical events The four unrelated words test ( Have 4 unrelated words repeated) In 5 min. ask for recall then in 10min….30min normally under 60yrs accurate 3-4 word recall after 5, 10, 30 min. delay N426 11/22/2018

17 Cognitive Function Cont.
Persons with aphasia Word comprehension Reading Writing Higher intellectual function Judgment Aphasia- loss of ability to speak or write coherently or understand same …………..Point to articles in the room, body parts etc. Ask to name them. ……………Read available print ……………Make up and write a sentence Measure problem solving and reasoning…related to general intelligence, education and culture Little evidence these tests are valid Note what person says re job plans, family, future…..realistic N426 11/22/2018

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19 T……for Thought Processes and Perceptions
Thought content Perceptions Suicidal thoughts Make sense…follow train of thought…coherent and comple What is said should be consistent and logical Example ; Some one just diagnosed with a seizure disorder and still has aspirations of becoming an airline pilot Aware of reality Ask “How do you feel people treat you?’ “Do others talk about you?” “Do you hear voices when you are alone?” Sadness., hopelessness, despair, grief …. Question at first general then direct. N426 11/22/2018

20 N426 11/22/2018

21 Mini Mental State Examination
Standard set of 11 questions 5 to 10 min. To administer Cognitive functioning only Valid detector of organic disease ie ;dementia and delirium and to separate these from psychiatric mental illness Maximum score = 30 Normal mental status average = 27 Scores b/w = no cognitive impairment N426 11/22/2018

22 Summary Checklist: Mental Status Assessment
Appearance Behavior Cognitive function Thought processes Mini -mental state examination N426 11/22/2018

23 Developmental Considerations
Assessment includes Behavioral Cognitive Psychosocial development Examines environmental coping mechanisms of child N426 11/22/2018

24 Cognitive Development Behavioral Development
Utilize A, B, C, T plus assess developmental milestones in the following areas: Psychosocial: Erikson’s stages of Ego Development Erikson’s Theory of Trust vs Mistrust Cognitive Development Behavioral Development N426 11/22/2018

25 Personal Social Skills Imitation
Fine Motor Skills Language Skills Personal Social Skills Imitation Abnormalities are usually problems of omission. N426 11/22/2018

26 Application and Critical Thinking
Subjective and objective data collection Developmental Age Socioeconomic Transcultural considerations A,B,C, & T N426 11/22/2018

27 Example of Documentation
Mental Status: Alert, relaxed, and cooperative. Thought process coherent. Orientated x 3. N426 11/22/2018

28 Critical Thinking Exercises
During lab each team will take a situation and will role play the scenario chosen Interviewer, interviewee, third student will be the spotter Complete the mini mental exam as part of the assessment Movies for viewing .Rain Man, I Am Sam, Forest Gump, Beautiful Mind N426 11/22/2018

29 Web Sites of Interest American Federation for Aging Research
American Psychological Association Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing N426 11/22/2018

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