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“ Values, culture and character through excellence in standards”

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Presentation on theme: "“ Values, culture and character through excellence in standards”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “ Values, culture and character through excellence in standards”
Who are the SEMH Support Team? “ Values, culture and character through excellence in standards”

2 Our remit is “To facilitate schools to manage and support pupils with SEMH needs within their environment.”

3 Service costs Schools pay £12.33 x the number of pupils on roll
For a one form entry school this equates to approximately £2,600 This money comes from the Government; the school do not have to find extra money to engage our support. “Values, culture and character through excellence in standards”

4 What does that money get you?
Around 230 years of experience from; Four Outreach Workers Four Teachers And one Counsellor

5 What do we do in schools? We work with staff, pupils, parents and families Addressing needs at all levels: whole school or key stage whole class groups – of pupils, parents, families, staff individual pupils, staff or parents “Values, culture and character through excellence in standards”

6 How do we know how well we are supporting you?
Observations of the pupil at the beginning and end of our support. Discussions and anecdotal feedback from the child, staff and Parents. Scaling activities with child, staff and Parents. Numbers of exclusions reduced. Number of positive handling incidents reduced. Evaluation forms. EYFS assessments.

7 Tell us what you think… What do you appreciate about what we do?
What do you want more of? Anything we do which you don’t like? What do we need to get better at? Anything else we need to know? Please send feedback to “Values, culture and character through excellence in standards”

8 SEMH Support Team

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