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The WV NHD Stewardship Program: June ‘10 Update

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1 The WV NHD Stewardship Program: June ‘10 Update
Evan J Fedorko

2 Outline Status Year One Proposal Players
Task 1: Stewardship program establishment and organization Task 2: Editing of known errors Task 3: High change area targeted editing (research) Funding

3 Status Memorandum of Understanding Year one proposal
Between WV Office of GIS Coordinator, NRCS and the USGS Identifies two stewards: WVOGC (NHD), NRCS (WBD) Identifies a technical lead: WVGISTC Signed, sealed and delivered! Year one proposal Submitted and approved!

4 Year One Proposal Players WVOGC
West Virginia GIS Technical Center (Fedorko) Natural Resource Analysis Center (Strager) West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (Daugherty) West Virginia stewardship community

5 Task 1: NHD Stewardship Program
USGS NHD Stewardship Program NHD National WV Office of GIS Coordination NHD Steward Stewardship Technical Lead WV GIS Technical Center NHD Error Reporting Tool Primary Sub-Stewards e.g., WVDEP, USFS, WVDNR Stakeholders and Stewardship Mechanisms NHD Training and Policies NHD Users Group NHD Data Users

6 Task 1 (cont.) Establishment of !
Establishment of Stewardship mechanisms, including: Mailing list of updates Error reporting tools Training (also related to task 2) What else? NHD Users Group

7 Task 2: Known errors Utilize NRAC/WVDEP compilation of errors
NRAC and WVGISTC will edit as many 8 digit HUs as possible during project period

8 Task 3: High change areas targeted editing (research)
Work with WVDEP to develop methodology, data sharing mechanisms, etc., to most efficiently edit areas of high change; e.g. surface mining areas, road construction, etc.

9 Funding Total funding is $50K - $25K from USGS matched by $25K from WV Office of GIS Coordination Funding will be split between NRAC and WVGISTC

10 Discussion We want your feedback and participation!

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