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Stewardship of Talents

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1 Stewardship of Talents
Mt. 25:14-30

2 Introduction The parable of the virgins teaches us to watch and prepare The parable of the talents teaches us how to prepare

3 Purpose Of The Parable Mt. 25:14 Talents = entrusted responsibilities
We have different abilities

4 Purpose Of The Parable “We must discover, through study, prayer, and faithfulness, what our talents are.” Mt. 25:19 A picture of the second coming of Christ – all will give account

5 The Faithful Two Mt. 25:16-17 Mt. 25:20,22
Each received what he could use We should begin developing our talents as soon as we become a Christian

6 The Faithful Two “Drawn wells are seldom dry” Mt. 25:21,23
Notice their reward “Well done – good and faithful servant” “thou hast been faithful”

7 The Faithful Two One important question at judgment
“Have we been faithful to the Lord?” “Are we faithful now?” So many things will not be important at judgment!

8 The Unfaithful One Mt. 25:15 He gave him one talent because his abilities were not as great as the other two Mt. 25:18 He refused to use his talent

9 The Unfaithful One This is a common sin among church members today
Many are baptized into Christ then do nothing His sin was of omission Js. 4:17 Heb. 2:3

10 The Unfaithful One “The chief sin in the church today is neglect of duty, a failure to develop and use our talents, a a failure to work, study, pray, worship, and give of our time, talent and money to the Lord.”

11 A Bad Attitude Mt. 25:24 He had the wrong attitude toward his Master
Many like that in the church today Mt. 11:30

12 A Bad Attitude Mt. 25:25 He was also afraid!
FEAR keeps many from serving Christ as they should

13 Talent Taken Away Mt. 25:25-28 One lost his talent because he did not use it – the other gained more talents because he used what he had! “Use or Lose”

14 Talent Taken Away What if we neglect: prayer study worship to sing

15 The Stewardship of Talents
3-8-09 Conclusion Mt. 25:26, 30 Wicked = had the wrong attitude toward his master Slothful = hid is talent and refused to work He lost his talent is this life and his soul in eternity! Js. 4:17 N.T expository, Christian Living

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