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Source: Optical Engineering, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp , 2016.

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1 Color two-dimensional barcode patterns for extra encrypting sinusoidal-function scrambled data
Source: Optical Engineering, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp , 2016. Authors: Yeh Sheng Lih, Lin Kuang Tsan, Lin Shyh-Tsong Speaker: Huang Peng-Cheng Date: 11/22/2018 Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering,龍華科技大學 St. John’s University, Department of Mechanical and Computer Aided Engineering,聖約翰科技大學 National Taipei University of Technology, Department of Electro-Optical Engineering國立臺北科技大學

2 Outline Proposed scheme Discussions Conclusions Comments

3 Proposed scheme(1/6) --notations
color high resolution barcode pattern (CHRBP) original binary barcode pattern (OBBP) secret extra picture (SEP) encryption key parameters (EKPs) sinusoidal-function image scrambling algorithm (SFISA)

4 Proposed scheme(2/6) -- an example
9 × 9 Proposed scheme(2/6) -- an example

5 Introduction(3/6) -- an example

6 Proposed scheme(4/6) --Forming a CHRBP from an OBBP

7 Proposed scheme(5/6) Image Scrambling by Using the Sinusoidal Function
both t and d are the specified integers a rectangular image or a data matrix with the dimension of M × N

8 Proposed scheme(6/6) --Encrypting an SEP into a CHRBP
2-graylevel (1 bit∕pixel for a binary image), 256-graylevel (8 bits∕pixel for a gray image), 4096-graylevel (12 bits∕pixel for a gray image), 3-set 256-graylevel (24 bits∕pixel for a color image) the form of the original image

9 Discussions(1/4) --the performance of an image scrambling method
The bigger the value of δ is, the more different g1(i,j) and g2(i,j) are. the image scrambling degree percentage δp is defined as

10 Discussions(2/4) --the performance of an image scrambling method
Fig. 12 Images after (a) one, (b) two, (c) and three times of image scrambling for the SEP 2.

11 Discussions(3/4) --the performance of an image scrambling method
Fig. 14 Images after (a) one, (b) two, (c) and three times of image scrambling for the SEP 3.

12 Discussions(4/4) --the performance of an
image scrambling method

13 Conclusions QR code hides secret image. High security.

14 Comments Inappropriate example
Lack of analysis for the success rate of CHRBP decoding.

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