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RE 165 Session 2 Fundamental factors behind the workings of economic systems and the economics of markets.

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Presentation on theme: "RE 165 Session 2 Fundamental factors behind the workings of economic systems and the economics of markets."— Presentation transcript:

1 RE 165 Session 2 Fundamental factors behind the workings of economic systems and the economics of markets

2 Economic Assumptions Self-Interest Seeking Behavior
Risk Averse Behavior Rational Behavior Behavior of a person who is free to choose versus one who does not understand freedom or restricted freedom

3 Economic Ingredients Economic Man (Human Resources) Resources
Knowledge Skills Abilities Hybrid: Creativity & Reason (Technology) Resources Land Energy Capital

4 Exercises in Economic Systems
Agricultural Economies Empires Feudalism Mercantilism Colonialism Industrialism Capitalism/Socialism Integrated Socialism: Globalization

5 Fundamentals Freedom of choice (individualism)
Protecting against market failure (justice/equity) Protecting against the excesses of protecting against market failure. Risk-sharing and productivity (laissez faire) Reason and knowledge (controlling government before it controls us)

6 Demand Forces Size of market
ELASTICITY: Intensity of desire for product/service (need or want) Ability to pay for product/service Prices of substitutes and complements Institutions and property rights

7 Supply Forces Number of competitors Technology and resources
Productivity in the use of resources Savvy in production, marketing distribution, and sale of product/services …

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