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Picking a “Just Right” Book

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Presentation on theme: "Picking a “Just Right” Book"— Presentation transcript:

1 Picking a “Just Right” Book
Rebecca Edwards-Mayerson P.S. 40 Manhattan

2 English Arts Standard Standard One: Students will read, write, listen and speak for information and understanding Students will learn how to select a book that is at the correct reading level for them.

3 Information Literacy Standard For Student Learning
Standard 1 The student who is information literate accesses information efficiently and effectively.

4 Read the Title Does it sound interesting?
Does it relate to your topic of interest/research?

5 Look at the Cover Picture
What are you learning about the book by looking at the cover picture?

6 Look for Award Winning Books
Caldecott Newberry Coretta Scott King

7 Read the Blurb

8 Reviews Is the book highly reviewed?

9 Use the “Five Finger Rule”
If there are more than five words that you can’t read this is not a “just right” book for you.

10 Font Is the Font size big enough?

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