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America Becomes an Imperial Power

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1 America Becomes an Imperial Power
The Spanish American War

2 Key Terms Foreign Policy: Imperialism Colonialism Empire
A countries relations and policies for dealing with other countries Imperialism The attempt to control the economic and political affairs of a smaller and weaker country Colonialism Area in which one country has gained control over another region and its population Empire A group of countries under the rule of one nation or ruler

3 The Imperialist Tailor

4 Spanish Misrule in Cuba leads to Revolution

5 The Cuban Revolution Spanish send Valeriano ("Butcher") Weyler to Cuba to put down Cuban rebellion February 1895 Cuba Cuban towns turned into concentration camps, rebels are tortured. Newspaper publishers Pulitzer and Hearst print sensational stories to boost circulation. This came to be known as the "Yellow Press."

6 “Yellow Journalism “ Newspapers which often published exaggerated stories Focused on Sensationalism Catchy Headlines Crime stories Scandalous Events Often used unprofessional journalistic practices Printed on cheap yellow paper Tabloids

7 “Yellow Journalism” Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst
Publisher of the New York World William Randolph Hearst Publisher of the New York Journal William Randolph Hearst

8 “Yellow Journalism” Yellow Journals pushed for war with Spain over the Cuba issue Hearst to Frederick Remington: “You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war!”

9 McKinley elected President
November 1896 U.S. Two campaign promises: Protect American business Free the Cuban people.

10 The De Lome Letter Negotiations between Spain and U.S. break down after insulting letter from Spanish ambassador is published February 9, 1898 New York Journal Ambassador De Lome had written that Pres. McKinley was "...weak...and a would-be politician..." He resigns, though American people are angered.

11 The U.S.S Maine U.S.S. Maine blows up February 15, 1898
Havana Harbor, Cuba 260 American sailors killed after mysterious explosion.

12 The U.S.S Maine Yellow Press call for war against Spain ("Remember the Maine"), offer rewards for proof of Spanish plot.

13 Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain!
Funeral for Maine victims in Havana

14 War Preparations Assistant Secretary of Navy Theodore Roosevelt orders Admiral Dewey to prepare for Asian war February 25, 1898 Washington, D.C. Roosevelt tells Dewey to attack Spanish fleet in the Philippines if war broke out between U.S. and Spain.

15 McKinley asks Congress to Declare War
April 11, 1898 Washington, D.C. Although Spain agrees to all American demands, McKinley tells Congress that God has told him to attack the Spanish forces.

16 Dewey Sinks Spanish Fleet
May 1, 1898 Manila Bay, Philippines In just seven hours, the entire Spanish Asian fleet is sunk. U.S. suffers one death.

17 Dewey Captures Manila!

18 The “Rough Riders” Teddy Roosevelt had resigned from his position as Secretary of the Navy to go fight in Cuba

19 Roosevelt's Rough Riders take San Juan Hill
June 1898 Santiago, Cuba Roosevelt achieves heroic stature for leading men (sans horses) up hill overlooking Santiago Harbor

20 Americans Destroy Spanish Caribbean Fleet
July 3, 1898 Off southern Cuban coast Every Spanish warship is sunk as fleet tries to run to open sea.

21 The Treaty of Paris: 1898 Cuba was freed from Spanish rule.
Spain gave up Puerto Rico, The Philippines and the island of Guam. The U. S. paid Spain $20 mil. for the Philippines. The U. S. becomes an imperial power!

22 Results of the War 385 American combat deaths
U.S. acquires Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippine Islands (100,000 sq. miles, 10 million people)


24 Cuban Independence Teller Amendment (1898) Platt Amendment (1903)
Cuba was not to enter into any agreements with foreign powers that would endanger its independence. The U.S. could intervene in Cuban affairs if necessary to maintain an efficient, independent govt. Cuba must lease Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. for naval and coaling station. Cuba must not build up an excessive public debt. Senator Orville Platt

25 Philippines William Taft was appointed Governor of the Philippines. Taft will be elected President of the United States in 1908.

26 Philippines Filipinos wanted Independence from the United States

27 Philippines Emilo Aguinaldo led Filipino uprising against American control of the Philippines July 4, 1946: Philippine independence

28 Puerto Rico: 1898 1917 – Jones Act.
Gave full territorial status to Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans granted rights of U.S. Citizens Becomes a Self-Governing Commonwealth Puerto Ricans elected their own legislators & governor to enforce local laws. Also,Subject to U.S. laws Puerto Ricans could NOT vote in US presidential elections. A resident commissioner was sent to Washington to vote for Puerto Rico in the House of Representives.

29 Anti-Imperialist Anger
American Anti-Imperialists angered by anti-democratic aspects of imperialist efforts

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